
BNN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

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that to try to offset parts on the expense side well. So we've had some bound to lay off. So, you know, we're likely going to have a bit more. How do you feel about investing in bank stocks generally right now? I think that, you know, a lot of the downsides already been baked in, you know, it's a story that everybody knows and they're trading closer to the bottom in the range. So I think that it now is not a bad entry point for banks. And we actually guessed last week to was suggesting that a strategy that sometimes works not to suggest the banks are all working on different things, but that as a group. >> There are enough come parables that if you buy the, the cheapest banks are the banks that are underperforming the most, that can potentially give you the most upside. That's one strategy idea what goes into your ultimate decision on on which banks by over other banks. So we've seen sometimes that strategy works like france and scotia's better this year because well, it was elaborate last year. And at some point td will outperform that, you know, I still think you want to wait to see how much bad and when the bad news is printed and it stop going down is probably a good time to buy td. So I think what you gotta do is, you know, kind of makes a very back so you know, we're at the point in time that you have it, that we're seeing that the banks actually have quick differentiation performance there, couple years that. That that much difference between the best and the worst performing fake. But that was starting to see that going for it. So for instance, you know, going forward, we can see royal puppy outperform because we'll have some synergies just that's been a big one that everybody's watching the to your broader point. The tsx itself is outperforming the banking sector this year. So maybe some of the lingering uncertainty is factored into watching a very busy week with canadian banks or it's always great to see you. Thanks very much for the time. >> Lohr allowed joining U.S. chief investment officer at brompton group. Time for a quick break. A volkswagen is a huge auto seller in this country. It is also increasingly becoming a builder with that brand new battery plant. And they also have a brand new head of operations. >> In the country will speak with him next. Time is money. Let Super SaveHydrovacs save you both.When you book a Super you get a state of the artpowerful hydrovac unit that will save you time on thejob. Super Save Hyrdrovac is the newest fleet of powerfulhydrovac trucks on the Lower Mainland. These unitswill make short work of your tricky excavation, catchbasin cleanout and so much more. Make the right call. CallSuper Save Hydrovac today and get the Blue Guysworking for you. Super Save Group is a CORCertified Safety Conscious company. Check them out Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. Harvest Healthcare leaders Enhanced Income etf. Maximize your monthly cash flow from Canada's leading healthcare etf. More income from Healthcare Leaders. Harvest ETFs, income happens here. Energy Fuels, a leading American uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. Energy Fuels. Closed captioning of this bnn Bloomberg Program is brought to you by Scotia iTRADE. Everything you need to direct invest. Scotia iTRADE. It's every investor's dream. >> Is volkswagen is one the world's leading automakers and it has a sizable presence in canada, not just as a vehicle seller, but now as a builder. The company, which like many industry players is preparing for an ev future pick. Saint thomas ontario to build its first battery plant outside

europe, with production expected to begin in the coming years. Volkswagen also recently announced a new boss for the canadian market. Estrada, who has been with the company for up to 25 years and most recently led to come back. Operations now oversees operations in this country, joins us here in studio. Good morning. Thanks very much for being with imagine how he, how are you enjoying a new role so far? Yeah, I am delighted to be in the canadian market now we did before I can rent. >> In a interesting and very challenging market in canada and every day, there's very good there you when you call it a challenging market. What is it that that you've noticed in the canadian market versus other markets around the world, folks? Well, I canada has some interesting that now in the way up for I think it's march more advance. >> We have here in canada, we see who sent relations that they're getting opportunity to really develop the ev market in a in a very good way. Different provinces, you know, our world, canada a very good for some to on you it for it's now ev in a very good way and deceased. These into future. Yeah, this is I mean, this is the biggest conversation, the stock market this year is what is the demand for electric vehicles. And it would seem that over the next decade, we're going to see quite a bit of transition. But in the short term against the question around what the demand is like. Maybe that's also influenced by money matters. You know, the economy, interest rates, all those kind of things where you one of the one of the determining factors on. >> What vehicle someone wants to buy right now. I think it's a commune, a tion of different you have to to to take in consideration that for simply for brand. We have >> Very, very grinch, of course, that it's a very good combination between icc combustion engine cars and the electrical work. So it's up to in session is not going to be from one day to another, is that by step. But we're back to be all of the segments now speaking about the leak patients specifically as well. Has different bibles. You in once I say one factory will be talking about the guard, the, the bailout the technology. You know, that by putting fish to the charging infrastructure in the cdc, the street in the highlights. You think there's enough? I mean, that's the other big question is, is there is there enough commitment to enough charging stations as people are driving along with long east envoy to think okay. Every time you supporting you 3 different kind of charging solutions. House what do have a new house? The nation get you jon juicy and mulch for temple. Now here in canada to go down, do what we parking and the reset ev charging station. You can find you've got you can charge your car. So competing for you. And of course, nation jewel in a nice with carolina muskoka. And you see a charging for us show it's a culmination of everything. And that is noted develop the scene dusting future. Now I mentioned that along with determining what people want to buy, you are building building in this country. What is the latest on on the battery plant in saint thomas, ontario? You get of course, the, the factory, the about 2 replanting symptoms. He said the first one outside europe usage in a factory everything needs really, really warning right now, you know it to start the patients in some future years. Could you imagine these factories going to be able to provide when median, but per year, it means to provide one medium batteries for when you've got so is strategically located in in canada, ontario, because these we food feed in a or the net region for united states. And of course, you know, of course, he's going to is going to provide by 3 stu united states is going to parade by to mexico city mexican glenn. So it's a very it's a very important in fish. Took that's part of the investment today for backing as more canadian than ever. And speaking of canada, it has obviously committed to volkswagen through subsidies, not just to volkswagen, but this becomes an interesting subject is I think everyone's trying to figure out the math behind these investments. What would you say to those who are right now really debating this idea of should we see subsidies to the auto industry to build these new plants and vehicles, weather, I think arafat, different factors. Occasion rome at the results in canada. And of course, support always important. But the district, the condition of the company to really fully part of of north american region. The month is key. And on U.S. and canada west, part that mission. 40 group or white.

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