
BNN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> This is "balance of power" on bloomberg tv and radio. Thanks for joining us. Israel has been warned by the united nations to halt all military operations in the rougher region. I spoke earlier today with congressman french hill, republican from arkansas who shared his thoughts on that action. Take a listen. >> I think that the international court is wrong. We are not a party to that treaty, so we do not even think highly enough of that organization to be a subscriber to it. And I think what we ought to recognize as we do not want this conflict to get broader. We need humanitarian aid there. Joe: for more on humanitarian aid, the need for relief in gaza, we are joined by david miliband, ceo of the international rescue committee. Great to have you back on bloomberg. The international rescue committee in fact issued a statement about this ruling from the international court of justice "a halt in hostilities is what is needed in gaza now." is the court correct in this ruling? >> Whe speak to the humanitarian situation, not to the political situation. We can report to you on the situation on the ground which is very grave, indeed. There are mountainous levels of ill health in gaza. It is a more densely populated area than new york city, twice as densely populated as new york city and it has suffered a high level of destruction. So the infrastructure is broken. We are also finding it impossible to get our own staff in, because the rafah crossing is now from our point of view, the imperative for a humanitarian drive is very high indeed. Ultimately, a cease fire is the way to best service those humanitarian needs. We certainly need in any int erim massively greater aid flows of food and water and fuel to we can allow our workers who also need to get in to treat the wounded and treat the sick. Joe: joe: we have heard reports of hamas attacking relief convoys, stealing food. We have heard reports of israel blocking gates and preventing relief organizations from accessing gaza. That is what we had to build a temporary pier that does not appears to be working terribly well at the moment. Our both parties responsible? Why can't the aid get in? T >> >> The aid cannot get in and people cannot get in because the entrances are blocked. That is the simple answer. Joe: that begins with israel and that answer. >> Just a second. There are multiple entrances. The -- shalom crossing controlled by israel, from israel into gaza that is open for commercial traffic, not for humanitarian aid, although there was an announcement today, very soon if it can, after the call from president biden to the egyptian president that humanitarian aid from egypt will be routed through that is some hope there. There was a jordan crossing delivering some support. But what I can speak to is the fact that the total of this efforts -- those efforts is not delivering for the civilians inside gaza who we want to treat and who until two weeks ago we were not treating -- we were treating and the level of need is very very high and you have had reports on your own show about malnutrition, famine warnings from members of the administration. We're trying to stave off a genuine public health emergency were tens of thousands are at risk. Joe: what assurances are you receiving from israel that delivered aid gets to those who need it, or are you not receiving those assurances? >> That is not the way it work. The united nations is in touch with the israeli authorities. We cannot get our workers in because the crossing, the rafah crossing is close. We are partners there but there is no -- that is an enormous block on allowing people to get whatever's available. You can imagine the circumstances there. And so, we are dealing with really the inverse of -- the humanitarian situation. The needs of the people, civilians, should come first, with the obligation of anyone conflict to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid. That is not happening. And from our point of view, the ultimate test is not about the number of trucks it is about the food. That means crossing into gaza and being able to move within gaza without fear that you are going to run into conflict. Joe: does israel not need to be

more flexible to get gates open and a delivered? If I'm reading you correctly, this is the root of the problem. >> The gates that are controlled that now includes the rafah crossing, which has historically been "the" entry point. That is currently closed. It is also the entry point for humanitarian aid workers. And so, that is a fundamental responsibility that exists at the moment. I also want to emphasize that transit within gaza is extremely difficult. 800,000 people have been moved out of rafah, the city of rafah, over the last 2.5 weeks. And they have moved, either to the coastal areas or up into the gaza middle of to massively overcrowded areas. Now, these rae are massively overcrowded areas with no health or sanitary infrastructure. That is why do such a public health emergency never mind the conflict that is still going on around rafah. Joe: snap elections in the U.K. I wonder to what extent policy in gaza will be on voters minds. >> I think it will be. The war in gaza as a global issue, and europe is closer to the middle east than the united states geographically. And large numbers of people will have this in their minds. There will be a lot of coverage of it. There is a real yearning for some kind of solace for the civilians inside gaza. While, of course, there is absolute horror of what happened in israel on october 7. The debate about foreign policy which has not been a big part of elections in my country or in yours, it will never be the dominant issue, except in exceptional circumstances but I think it will be discussed. And it needs to be -- it deserves to be. Joe: it is good to see you back. David miliband, thank you for the insights. Reporting from on the ground. It is important to have these stories told. Coming up -- voters appear to getting trust income of the harris. -- trust in kamala harris. We will dig into it Hi Phil Swift here for FlexSuper Wide Duct Tape.Just check outhow wide this It's so widewe built this race boat. Not only can it speedacross the water, but our super strong backingcan take the pounding and our powerful adhesiveholds the boat together. Yee-Haa! Now that's whatI'm talking about. Woo Hoo! Get Flex Super Wide Duct Tape. Money is a thing. You're told to make money, invest money, save money. While others are encouraging you to spend your money. You might even be planning your money ...based on someone else's plan. Maybe it's time to do things...differently. And get obsessed over something other than money. Like building a path based on what's important to you. ( ) we understand money's a thing, but it's not everything. Edward Jones. We do money differently. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. The world of investments is growing, offering more alternatives than ever. ( ) Choose an alternative that invests, in what's here to stay. ( ) Things you can see and touch. ( ) Things that are part of our everyday lives. ( ) Avenue Living brings a different approach. ( ) One that's steeped in history, experience, and trust. ( ) Choose a proven alternative. Talk to your advisor about Avenue Living today. ( ) Still up at 2 am? Again? Tonight, try PureZzz All Night to help increase total sleep time. Unlike some other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin slowly releases up to 6 hours. ZzzQuil PureZzz All Night. Fall Asleep.Wake refreshed. (Upbeat electronic music) >> Hello, new york city and hello to all of the incredible tough, strong, hard-working american patriots here in the bronx. Who wlould think?

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