
BNN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #7

really, it's demand continuing to exceed supply. That's expected to continue well into next year. It's being driven eventually their hopper gpu and this is a laying the in data centers moving toward accelerating computing and ultimately enables generative ai to happen. And I think this whole landscape and ecosystem that they are very, very personally driving is extremely exciting. It's exciting. Yet, you know, it hasn't yet touched the lives of everyday people. I think, you know, seen in in chatgpt and we've been told for years game-changing. These companies are spending. >> Billions on chips. When do we start to see, I guess some of the the return on the investments. >> Going from microsoft build is the eyes or business. If we think about the actual business, that cloud the cloud service providers are really been driving a lot of this investment. Microsoft is expected to from lack of consensus from 75 billion dollars 150 billion dollars over the next 3 years. So I think you see growth in cloud revenue is one of the first gateways to actually. Enabling a lot of this. New development in ai to actually happen. And I think, you know, this, might be a lot of what happened with the iphone. This is what we're waiting for a week for eyes iphone moment where there's incredible ha moment in the the eyes of the consumer. They're like wow, I and got to get one of these going to dramatically improve my life. It's getting improved productivity. >> It's going to make my company my like everything just. >> Better faster, more productive. And I think, you know, you know, right now what's happening is the foundation is being bill for that even happen. And I think that's going to be the next gateways is seeing how generative ai comes in to enterprises really start to make companies and organizations more efficient. >> Well, I wonder if than the iphone moment will come actually from the iphone maker. Apple, which is set integrate ai and its own way, at least that's expected in june. Right? And I think that's what a lot of this, a lot of question marks about how apple's going to do it. >> Indeed, you know, wwdc should be an exciting event this all eyes will be on seeing what apple comes out and says >> Potentially, they may lots rumours swirling around. I wouldn't even venture to speculate on what they might do. >> All right, melissa, thanks so much for joining us with these insights as well ottawa visible outside joining us. We're going to take a quick break. When we come back of the president, one of canada's largest cosmetic makers group must sell. Joining me the latest in a beauty growth. >> Maybe an ipo. Harvest Equal Weight Global Utilities Enhanced Income etf. The world's top utility companies in one etf, global Utilities and steady monthly income. Harvest ETFs, income happens here. At the cse, we're always invested in public markets, in business, in growth, in you. The world of investments is growing, offering more alternatives than ever. ( ) Choose an alternative that invests, in what's here to stay. ( ) Things you can see and touch. ( ) Things that are part of our everyday lives. ( ) Avenue Living brings a different approach. ( ) One that's steeped in history, experience, and trust. ( ) Choose a proven alternative. Talk to your advisor about Avenue Living today. ( ) -If you're looking for an investment with a strong, consistent track record, maybe it's time to look at a new approach. -Last quarter Capital Direct investors saw a return of over eight percent. That's impressive. It feels good to help Canadian homeowners accomplish their dreams. Find out why so many people have been trusting Capital Direct for over sixteen years. -If you'd like to invest along with us, visit us online or speak to your financial advisor today and ask for a copy of our offering memorandum.

( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) >> One of canada's largest cosmetic makers, groupe marcelle will be celebrating 75 years of this june with its namesake our south celebrating operations in canada since the late 1800's that family-owned business has well-known lines likely is what and annabel cosmetics. And it's coming at a time where consumers struggling with inflation, but a beauty category remains resilient. If we take a look at ulta beauty, which is doing quite well or bloomingdale's. Macy's, I should say, which highlighted that it's cosmetics and beauty business was holding lvmh referencing was a bright spot. Let's bring in david kay president of groupe marcelle cosmetics. David, thank you so much for joining how would you characterize how the beauty category has held up at a time where maybe maybe consumers are getting a little bit more cautious with their spending. >> Thanks amber, for having me. And thanks for the great introduction. The beauty category. >> Has been following covid, which was a very difficult time for the beauty industry is as you know, been really has bounced back in the last year and a half as people have been out and socializing and seeing their friends and going out to and so we've seen some resilience in the category. Remains strong despite some of the challenges economically, the other categories of faced. >> And yet in this country and we just got to read of retail sales falling for 3 months in a row. Now and is, is that washing up on on the shores of as groupe marcelle or are you able to buck that trend? >> You know, we're staying ahead of that trend a little bit where we're seeing we're seeing better it's, it's not sort of the comeback euphoria following covid, I think of stabilize quite a bit. Consumers are being, you know, a lot more careful with their with their wallets and how they're spending their dollars. But our category has has been resilient in the face of all that. >> There's you know, some of the gains, but also some of the contract controversy around what's driving cosmetic growth has been around teens and team news and all of a sudden they're obsessed with skin care and self care in a way that that maybe the previous generation is, is a growing demographic for groupe marcelle. >> So the answer is no, we don't, we don't target that market directly. And I think, you know, companies have to be quite careful with what they're offering, what's appropriate and what's age appropriate for consumers. A young young children do have anti-aging problems. We focus, you know, certainly on on the I would say fiery hire agents brand you targeted, you know, 18 to 25 year-olds, but its colour and it's, it's fun and it's, it's cosmetics. That's what they need to be concentrating on at that age. >> You know, this is a family run business run through generations. How does affect kind of the east? Those because it is such a competitive space as well. But hearing you talk about, you know, maybe this is not an appropriate demographic to go after, you know, maybe a public company, for example, doesn't have the ability to issue that kind of restraint because they've got growth numbers to make. >> You know, we've been in business for 75 years. My spent many years in cocaine, me with values that I worked to put into my jordan in our company in general we worry very much about the long term and the long and the long term for us is, you know, to is decades so. So we want to build a strong, resilient business. It's going to be here and be a strong in in 20 years from now as it was 20 years ago. >> Does that that you rule out the possibility of maybe one day going public? >> You know, that's a financing decision, but that will really, you know, kind of come around our growth you know, it's a way to getting capital. How it's been explained to me by our our financial partners what we

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