
BNN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

digital economy like globally. You know, comparing the canadian regulatory landscape in the u.s.. I mean, the U.S. seems to just evolved >> Over the last week, but but where does canada kind of stand ahead and where is canada may be you know, a little bit behind are stifling innovation and thinking about the the approach to stable coins in this country is a little bit more onerous. Then it is south of the border where where are kind of points for canada and points where, you know, we could be even more arms open around crypto. >> Yeah, that's a great question. I think canada is an incredible job thinking about crypto trading platforms and regulating crypto trading platforms. Canada recently quit canada recently was regulated in canada under the csa is a restricted dealer which allows us to operate in canada. And we continue to pursue our full dealer registration under siro. >> But what what we can the opportunity for us in canada's to really set clear clear standards around stable quinn regulation time around most regulators around the world, they've conducted. >> Public consultations and they determined that you stable coins are in essence, a payment instrument and in many geographies around the world and jurisdictions are being regulated. Is payment instruments in acts. And we are working with our and encouraging our government to explore prudential regulation around stable coins because ultimately right now we have an interim solution being being regulated under securities but our industry is, is is encouraging our government to explore prudential regulation to fall in line with a lot a lot of how other countries around the world regulating stable coins. You know, obviously, just to make sure that the candidates on the right side history. And there are a leading these assets in a way that can be used as payment instruments in canada. >> And how do you like your odds on that? >> I, you know, I think I think we're, I think they're good. I think long-term, I think long-term, we will, we will, we will be successful in canada following suit with the rest the world looking at >> Stable coins as team in this tournament where the regulated specifically under which body. I think it's still there's still lots of work to be done, but these instruments in a of itself, we just simply don't have a definition around stable coins within a securities framework. And so I think there's just new innovation and new new opportunities to expand a regulatory framework to make sure the digital assets are as they should be accessible for, for canadians. Lucas, thanks so much for your appreciate your time. That's look as madsen joining us. >> The canada country director of coinbase. We're going to take a quick break. Well, because of the rising price of gold and gold stocks. A few of these mining companies went out and raise money, but a new report says it might not have been as warmly received by investors. More on that when we come back. (Upbeat electronic music) Hi, I'm Taylor Thoen. Next time on btv Business Television, this investment opportunity. We're still in the exploration stages, but we've made a substantial discovery. Specifically, the Valley discovery on our Rogue project. 2024 is going to be our biggest year yet. We have three drills on site, and we're looking to bring in a fourth. We think that what we've discovered so far is just the tip of the iceberg. Watch us online or here on bnn Bloomberg. The world of investments is growing, offering more alternatives than ever. ( ) Choose an alternative that invests, in what's here to stay. ( ) Things you can see and touch. ( ) Things that are part of our everyday lives. ( ) Avenue Living brings a different approach. ( ) One that's steeped in history, experience, and trust. ( ) Choose a proven alternative. Talk to your advisor about Avenue Living today. ( ) ( ) ( ) The infiniti qx60 exemplifies modern luxury. With powerful suv performance, three rows of comfort, and a sleek-yet-daring design. ( ) Lease a 2024 qx60 from 0.99% apr for up to 24 months. Visit ( ) Champion Iron offers a rare solution to decarbonize the steel industry. Which represents up to 10% of global emissions. The company recently doubled production capacity at its mine in eastern Canada. It is now investing to produce one of the world's purest iron ore. Enabling green steelmaking without the use of coal. Controlling a large portfolio of high purity iron ore resources. Champion is considering strategic partnerships to further develop the region.

Champion Iron. All right, you are watching the close. I'm amber kanwar. We are tracking this story on I am gold bay street banks are said to be sitting or shares in iamgold after stock issue was mispriced. Andrew bell is here with more details was amiss price or is just kind of they're hanging on investors don't want to buy. It looks as though they'd misjudge the markets here because they announced a big stock issue that's going to raise about 300 million dollars us price tag for 17 U.S. U.S. funds. >> That was a discount of about 7%. The previous closing price and this was one of these bought tails or drive by financing are known to their it's not just normal stock issue with underwriters and the stock pitch to investors. The brokers just by straight off from the first trying resell it. Yeah. And the first thing shareholders know is that a whole bunch of of a billion dollars worth of shares us has been issued. There's a one-year looks agency iamgold has been suffering. Maybe I should've put up a a one-month charge here just to capture the weakness. >> Well, a week and a look at the U.S. why it's probably better for prices for 17, that's only about $4 around $4. That tells you everything. Yeah. So it's not even trading up the price that the brokers paid. So. >> Niall mcgee, the dean of and mining talking about the they iamgold wouldn't comment. They say we've got the so they're happy that supply a bought deal means it's literally been yeah. Yeah, the brokers take on all the risk hair excuse me and the 2 sources talking to niles said that about 20% of the issue was hung up as they call us. So they may have to discount an to get off the books or maybe on sat there until to the stocker covers and the and I am gold using the proceeds for to buy out a partner or buy a bigger stake in its new caught a mine in northeastern they it was to buy an additional stake of just under 10% in the cosh, a gold mine from a joint venture partner, sumitomo metal mining. Now this is a big mine actually caught a it's going to produce for the first 5 or 6 years, almost half a million ounces of gold a year. That's bay coming on the biggest mines in canada. Moody's reiterating its junk rating on iamgold these 3 sub investment grade, saying this 2 risk factors here. Round puppets and caught a cold to at mine. A local report actually from ctv a few days ago indicated that they may be having some initial technical problems. And you do get that was big mines. I was coaching the manager of the mine. But moody says there's a risk factor here. They have that big can mine in burkina faso. We know virgina faso, the scene of some violence right now. So this political risk. Thank you very much. That is andy bell reporting on iamgold. We're going to take a quick break. We got a bit of her recovery. >> In td shares today, going to speak to an analyst. He says it's still not one that you want to buy as bearish and almost all the banks except one nigel d'souza, their tasks next. Champion Iron offers a rare solution to decarbonize the steel industry. Which represents up to 10% of global emissions. The company recently doubled production capacity at its mine in eastern Canada. It is now investing to produce one of the world's purest iron ore. Enabling green steelmaking without the use of coal. Controlling a large portfolio of high purity iron ore resources. Champion is considering strategic partnerships to further develop the region. Champion Iron. Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, I got to gold. In today's environment. Canadians want more from their investments. Invico Diversified Income Fund has provided investors with portfolio diversification and downside protection for over a decade. What could you gain by investing in one of Canada's leading alternative income funds? Invico, reach for the future. Invest in the top performing Canadian bank etf, hcal from Hamilton ETFs. Hcal offers enhanced growth potential and higher monthly income for long term investors. Get more with hcal, the top performing Canadian Bank etf. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night.

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