
BNN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

2 billion, then we're right on that, that t that's made up half of that capital. And then if you look at the remaining buyback program, you can buy back and additional 32 million shares. That's another to doing so. The texas capitol, a td bank has that could go away pretty pretty quickly after completes its buyback program after we have the monetary policy and then it's no different your bank and the space operating at a ratio of capital around 12 and a half to 13%. So the the buybacks, you know, that's a one to 2% benefit a reduction in shares outstanding, but it's not enough to outweigh the long-term headwind from a cease and desist order by the regulator in the U.S. especially if there's opportunities for organic for market share against he can participate. So that really that really is going to the U.S. franchise to at least 3 to 5 years. So the organic growth issue is, is is a concern. I guess I'm trying to understand, you know, royals. >> Moving towards highs, nationals moving towards highs. Jp morgan's moving towards all-time bank of america. So all bank stocks, you know, notwithstanding your comment about maybe that outlook as a little cloud, but they're all doing just fine. >> Operationally td seems to be doing just fine. This penalty just seems so on the company where we know from mount she perspective, they'll be able to handle it won't be pleasant, they'll be able to handle it. And the rest of the business is doing just fine. >> So I think that's an important point. We need to deconstruct to why the results for good this quarter and the upside surprise was driven almost entirely by their capital markets business and their wealth management business. So that's a function of very accommodative in support of financial market conditions that could change. We don't know. We can't predict that, but that's not a reliable recurring stream their core earnings. And the market may not necessarily the board banks that earning expectations purely on capital markets and wealth management, especially when the underlying trends for personal commercial banking are favourable at the moment where you have net interest margin contraction and credit losses continue to move higher. So if we go through next week and we have beats, which are more likely now given to these results based on capital markets on better. But the canadian or international banking franchise are doing fair and poor. His margins are can tighten. Bank wasn't good. >> All the margins with an expanded. So isn't like it could have a good quarter, but the outlook for margins td expects margin contraction now canada. Okay, so what is outside of the mlse is what is tell you about what we're likely to see it from the rest of the canadian banks. It sounds like good capital markets that margin expansion is is sort of an outstanding question, might be bank specific. So I think if the strong results for capital markets and wealth management carries over to the rest of the banks to going to see more likely than not beats. >> Next week, unless we get a one-off surprises either. Higher credit loss than expected other items that are more difficult to predict. The bigger issue is that if all banks also reflect the transfer td, which is marching attraction U.S. banking and limited or no margin expansion the banking and credit losses. Or can you continue move higher? You may not see a positive reaction by the market because going to look ahead to weakness unnecessarily bank on financial market conditions remaining you have a seller reduce all the canadian banks except one canadian western bank. What do you like? >> Its discount it pretty substantially stream below book value and the different species can you western bank and other banks are just kind of like a scotia rtd is there aren't bank specific risks for key western bank. >> Like a transition to a new ceo or a new strategic plan or mla regulatory issues. So what's cwb historically, they've done better on credit losses to cycle. Typically stable interest margin, so they should be able to perform fairly well as we move through this and it's is one of the only banks in the space that I tnk is trading at a significant discount without a specific identifiable risk that would justify the discount. All right, thank you so much for joining us with this insight. Nigel's nigel d'souza joining us from their task. >> We're going to take a quick break when we come back. Hot picks in cannabis might surprise you to learn that a lot of these cannabis named, particularly in the U.S. have been outperforming recently. Frederick oag owns will join us. I hope you will too. Champion Iron offers a rare solution to decarbonize the steel industry. Which represents up to 10% of global emissions. The company recently doubled production capacity at its mine in eastern Canada. It is now investing to produce one of the world's purest iron ore. Enabling green steelmaking without the use of coal. Controlling a large portfolio of high purity iron ore resources. Champion is considering strategic partnerships to further develop the region. Champion Iron.

(Upbeat instumental music)Canadians are facing a newnormal with interest rat and investment options. The Capital Direct OneIncome Trust is in a growing asset class thatprovides stability and is income-generating forportfolios. Here from Capital Direct areEire Gorman and Aaron Narayan, great to see you again. Thank you for havingus back, Mark. Eire,how are interest rates impacting the Capital DirectOne Income Trust? It's really important tounderstand the timeline of the loans that make upthe income trust. These are fixed-term vehiclesthat don't have the volatilityof a variable product. That means we're less-vulnerable to interest rate changes for18-24 months. Aaron, what arethe pros and cons for the trust if interestrates go down? First off, we love stability. Looking forward, we believe interest rates willact in our favour. If rates go down then (Unclear)or now Cora drops which means the cost of capitalis actually cheaper. And what if interest ratesstay around these levels? Aaron: If interest ratescontinue to stay the same we continue to kick out similarreturns as we have been for our investors which makethem extremely happy. So the trust holdsresidential mortgages. Based on what you're seeinghow would you say Canadian homeowners are coping in thisnew interest rate environment? This is a good news story. Canadians arefinding ways to cope. Our mortgage investments andflexible lines of credit have allowed homeowners toconsolidate at a lower rate and continue todo the things they love while owning their own homes. As we said here, homeownershipis so important to Canadians and we've seen the choices thatthey have made to remain in this privileged category. And it's also important to notethat throughout this new normal we've kept our loaned valueat a very comfortable 52%. If advisors or investorsare interested how do they reach you? Yes, Portfolio Managers andFinancial Advisors can find us And for direct investorsyou can call us anytime at 1-800-625-7747. (School bell rings) ( ) ( ) (Crowd cheering on tv) ( ) No amount of studying can guarantee a gambling win. Find tips for safer playat ( ) >> Shares of gildan activewear trading higher after the company's board of directors and ceo resigned. The move ends of 5 month battle with activist shareholder over the future of the montreal clothing maker investment firm grounding west will take control of the board and reinstate former ceo anti. >> One thing is to go from here is that both glass lewis and the proxy year people both supported the return of sure mandaean that comey. This says it all. I mean, they they had no confidence in anything that the board was doing any of anything to do with their strategy. I was almost surprising, in fact, that they see unanimously supported a activist shareholder. >> Spending by canadian consumers rebounded last month. Early numbers from statscan indicate retail sales rose 0.7% in april. The fastest pace since last december. September, I should say despite the uptick, statscan says sales fell for a 3rd straight month in march and are still well below levels seen in december. Shares of electric vehicle maker lucid are under pressure. The company plans to cut about 400 jobs in the coming months. And analysts say the move could signal slower sales. The automaker also expects to take a charge of up to 25 million dollars from those restructuring plans. The cuts come several weeks after loose. It boasted a wider than expected loss to start the year. All right, take a look at the market action. The tsx is getting a boost from tech stocks. Lightspeed celestica helping offset some weakness that we're seeing in open text as well as shopify guild. And of course, up there on the leaderboard. And as we take a look at the tone south of the border, retail getting a little bit of a lift to thanks in part to decker's and ross store with better than expected quarterly results yesterday, setting that weakness that we're seeing in into it. And that's spreading out to other hr based software. Dayforce sales force underpressure.

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