
BNN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

first time. We'll talk to a sports industry expert about that after this. ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The future is zero Carbon. Mayfair Gold is developing Canada's first carbon neutral gold project with offsets funding residential solar panel installation across the country. Mayfair Gold. -If you're looking for an investment with a strong, consistent track record, maybe it's time to look at a new approach. -Last quarter Capital Direct investors saw a return of over eight percent. That's impressive. It feels good to help Canadian homeowners accomplish their dreams. Find out why so many people have been trusting Capital Direct for over sixteen years. -If you'd like to invest along with us, visit us online or speak to your financial advisor today and ask for a copy of our offering memorandum. Looking to maximize your monthly income? Our yield maximizer your ETFs, combine your favorite sectors with a high yielding, income first strategy to help you meet your goals. More income every month from Hamilton ETFs. At the cse, we're always invested in public markets, in business, in growth, in you. Energy Fuels, a leading American uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. Energy Fuels. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. To find a food star gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa vs team gordon She can Vanderpump off. We're done on ctv (Upbeat electronic music) >> Making sense of business and the economy can be tough. We dig through the details to tell you what you need to know with straight talk and expert analysis. So you can make informed decisions about your future. >> Taking stock fridays at 6:00pm on bnn bloomberg. >> Welcome back. Well, the wnba is coming to canada. The league now in the spotlight as superstar caitlin clark embarks on her professional career has selected toronto as the site of its first-ever franchise out of the united states for discussion of the opportunities and challenges a wnba team may face in toronto. We're joined by robert boland. He's an assistant professor of law at seton hall university law school in south orange, new jersey. He's also worked as a player agent during his career. An athletic sunterra integrity officer and an adviser to groups seeking expansion franchises. Robert, thanks a lot for joining us. I think I believe you believe that the wnba has made a good call here. You like toronto as a as a site for a new team. >> Yeah, I'm usually somebody finds fault with a lot of decisions made by professional leagues or at least able to criticize. And there's very little that criticize about this either for toronto, where the wnba. >> Why so, what drawn the right place? >> I think it's fertile ground that canada presents just for women in sports right now. I work north of the border couple times and projects involving women's sports and the olympic movement and find the support. Remarkable and

find fans very receptive to it. I also think that for the wnba the move to toronto on locks, one of the wealthiest largest markets in the world. And certainly north america and opens the door to all of canada because there's plans to barn storm for this team, at least initially. In addition to play in their sleep in so >> It could be a very quickly. A canadian team. And this is a great moment for women's basketball. But keep clark effect, as you mentioned, is is really propel the sport forward. But that's been moved forward by just the idea that college athletes, young people are playing at a high level competition can begin to get endorsements for their time. And that creates greater interest in the league in the women play I believe you also like the fact you like larry tanenbaum and his group tilt kilmer as owner and the. >> That's interesting because earlier stage in this story, as I'm sure you know, no. And al assay was reported to us said no to the idea of applying for a wnba franchise. And that was thought to be the result disagreements mlse, as I'm sure you know, mlse as a is the product of to a big telco companies in canada that rivals day-to-day there are a suggests is that you don't like each other very much. And that the, the board of mlse reflects of those tensions. And every time I talk about this, I have remind viewers that one of those companies, bce is the parent of this television channel through its bellmedia division. Without lengthy preamble, why do you like larry tanenbaum is the owner of but you got was coming. I like this because it's not actually >> Major league owning team conglomerate, but somebody instead, he has experience in the major leagues at the highest levels. Who is investing at this and using it as a lever for bigger stop, sometimes expansion franchises in immersion sports go to you that are under capitalized groups fly by night group sport groups without the experience to do it. And I think this group kind of she eating out of mlse to a degree and with the experience that had about brings to it, I think is is remarkable. And I also think it's good that he is a single or he is in the single owner, but he's the principal owner rather than corporate conglomerate for women's sports. Sometimes sports get will get lost in that that larger dynamic. But in this case, it will get it will get fostered unruly and I think get that entrepreneurial spirit that sent good north american sports apart. >> What, what is it that really made this the moment for women's usports women's sports have been around for a long time, but why is it now that the professional women's hockey league enjoying an unparalleled success? There was a sold-out game here in toronto in 19,000 fans watching a game. The games at the regular arena are sold out. The wnba. We know that the caitlin clark story, but there's got to be more to it than that. What wire fans now so eager to embrace women's sports, when when they have not been so much in the past. >> I 3 bullets to probably do that and we can talk. Could be, this could be a doctoral thesis. So try to do it both the first is there are a lot of young women grown up now playing sports who have who have buying power and consumer power in the marketplace and they don't consume through other other media channels in women's sports is a great one to reach them. I think the rise of social media has enabled certain women to have great follower ship on social channels to at a very low cost. I think big in the fragmentation of larger media has allowed a has a lot women's sports to be future, not necessarily compete for, for time of the biggest network level, but to go at that next level of network and get find audience and find people who are interested in. The last one be the 4th bullet, even our promise to 3 from his price. The idea that a family of 4 can go to women's game, if you like they're getting a major league experience better that isn't close to what a baseball game in toronto is. Nba game in toronto is. So this is a sport that fully accessible as as a, as viewership product on media, but also in attendance. Product friend. The women don't make so much money that there are tentative to activating around this. And I think that that makes that fan experience better and more interactive. What's the pathway to profitability for a new franchise? But a lot like all new ventures, you would expect. >> And a new team to lose money in the early going. What, what? So what's the pathway to profitability? Yeah, one negative is they're going to pay high franchise fee. It's going to be around 100 million >> The pathway to profitability is putting people in this in the arena at first and having people buy

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