
BNN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

back. Joining us now is bloomberg's divya balji divya is managing editor for breaking news americas with bloomberg news. And we'll talk divvy business software provider workday. That company has provided a disappointing forecast and the shares are getting punished in the market today. >> Think dropping workday shares today. You know, they basically came in and cut their subscription revenue forecast for the year. Now, this is the really key metric for work day for them having to cut it. They're really getting a niche in the market right now. You know, there's a whole bunch of analysts have also come out cutting their share price target after this news. And basically the whole concern is around the fact that they you know, what has said is that they are seeing a lower customer headcount growth and a little bit more scrutiny on stale as well, which is what's really causing this problem when it comes to corporate bank what I was a particular has pointed out that, yes, there is a lot of concern about the fact that growth, even accelerating at the pace that they had originally thought way. But they also, you know, sort of brought just a little bit more optimism saying that the theo is trying to work on a turnaround in terms of growth for this company. The only issue with it is that we don't know how long it's going to take. And that level of uncertainty is probably also adding to concern, considering that they have had to reduce the forecast. Really one of the companies that are down, that is down a material amount today. >> Let's talk about space x, the elon musk company planning to sell shares. >> Yeah, interesting turn of events here in the sense of you know, they're, they're starting to discussions to sell shares tale of the shares. If they do go through it, go through with it at a specific price maybe between 100 and a 210 could actually put its valuation at about 200 billion dollars. The last time they did a share sale similar to that they're thinking about valuation was at 180 billion dollars. So there's still an increase that is a pretty large number that we're talking about for space you know, what they're thinking about is another tender offer where insiders and employees can sell their shares elon musk has come out to say that they're not considering this at the moment. Anything that they do would be to to buy back shares in front of me, need for additional capital. But you know, these things can always go one way or another, I guess out. But still the valuation here probably the key part that is quite interesting that if they do go ahead and if they do have the appetite, if there is an appetite to buy the shares at the price that they're looking it does go up by about 20 billion dollars. >> We're going to talk more of a weight loss drugs in the next hour or so. Eli lilly announcing it's investing 5 billion dollars us to boost its supply of weight loss drug. And a drug study just said that exempt back that flagship weight loss drug cuts. The debt of the risk of death via kidney disease. So lots of news in the sector to that. >> Yeah, I mean, you know, it's to really key pieces of information. You know, paul, you and I have talked about in the past about how important by is in terms of this high demand that we're seeing in weight loss drugs. Eli lilly had really strong results will be reported a few weeks ago. But key topic of the key question that kept coming up with in order to be able to meet that demand now with this latest news. But they're able to spend more than 5 billion dollars to increase production of a key ingredient its weight-loss and diabetes drug is really, really key here. I think the market is liking that and are seeing it's a step in the right direction. This would go into their largest ever facility in indiana. What you're thinking about what they're looking that's a good piece of news. On the flip side of it, you know, no artist obviously supply still issue, but they are talking about this study that has come out where for its struggles that they, it's not just about losing weight. It's also about the fact that it could help with reducing death in kidney disease. Now diabetes and kidney disease are linked together. People who have diabetes have a higher chance of having kidney disease as well. So this is the right step in the direction of a drug that not only helps with diabetes or how losing weight. Also could potentially help with any kidney disease as well. So thank you think to really good news. He says the good news today for the weight loss industry. Divya, thanks a lot. Have a great weekend. That's divya balji of bloomberg news. >> While investors are paying more attention to nvidia are rising on ai demand. There might be some hidden gems in the market. >> That offer attractive retus. That was the view of our featured guest of the morning. He's a veteran portfolio manager, his 3 stocks that he thinks underappreciated gems. Hi, I'm Taylor Thoen. Next time on btv Business Television. We are in a very unique position. We are the fifth largest open pit project in North America. There are not very many projects that have 7,000,000oz

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