
Barcelona could let go of key midfielder for cheap – report

Barcelona could let go of key midfielder for cheap – report
Barcelona could let go of key midfielder for cheap – report

At least for this ongoing summer transfer window, FC Barcelona may need to make uncomfortable decisions. The Catalan club aims to restructure and make a more sustainable project, but that takes time. For now, Barcelona can mainly just focus on balancing their books the best they can.

To do so, some sales will have to be considered that would not have been even looked at had Barcelona been in an ideal situation. The reality, however, is that the club is in a situation that is quite far from ideal, and that is why almost no offer on the table can be ignored.

According to SPORT, it is thus true that Barcelona are also not completely going to bat an eye if an offer ends up arriving for Ilkay Gundogan. The 33-year-old German midfielder, formerly from Manchester City, is one of the senior most players in the team currently.

In the ideal situation of Barcelona only needing to look at sporting requirements, Gundogan would have been a guarantee moving forward. However, as SPORT mentions, Barça are perhaps putting their financial necessities even above their sporting ones.

Moreover, with Gundogan having arrived as a free agent in the previous summer, any revenue earned from his transfer would be all profit. Barcelona would like to take advantage of that, and due to this fact, the club would be willing to accept a not-so-significant transfer fee for his departure as well potentially.

With the salary space also being something Barcelona are hoping to regulate, that would be another advantage. Furthermore, La Blaugrana know that they cannot sign more players without first ensuring some departures.

Gundogan, with the quality that he has and the season he just had with Barça, is thus a player who still has a good market and teams may end up arriving with offers for him.