
Audio clip NAT132 (EXTENDED)

NAT132 – (Ont-UofT-Encampment) (EXTENDED)
TORONTO. x–27s. Organizers of a pro-Palestinian encampment on the downtown campus of the University of Toronto say administrators have agreed to meet on Sunday at 5 p-m for continued negotiations towards ending the protest. However, the school has issued a trespass notice, vowing to take all necessary legal steps if the protestors don’t clear out by Monday morning. Encampment spokesperson Erin Mackey says protestors are very clear in their demands, and have no plans to leave before they’re met.
(“..has final say.”) (SOURCE:The Canadian Press)

TAG: Mackey says protestors want upfront commitments on divestments and disclosure from the university, not vague committees to study the matter.

The Canadian Press broadcast team