
Audio clip NAT122

NAT122 – (Eby-Housing)
VANCOUVER. x–20s. Premier David Eby (EE’-bee) says the second phase of a housing partnership between the province, Metro Vancouver and non-profit housing providers will deliver up to 670 below-market rental units. He says Phase 2 follows a memorandum of understanding signed last year between the British Columbia government and Metro Vancouver Housing to create two-thousand affordable rental homes over the next decade. He says the partnership is a good indicator of what his answers will be when topics such as affordable housing and health services become hotly debated in the upcoming provincial election.
(“ people.”) (SOURCE:The Canadian Press)

TAG: Eby says Phase 2 follows a memorandum of understanding signed last year between the British Columbia government and Metro Vancouver Housing to create two-thousand affordable rental homes over the next decade.

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