
Audio clip NAT098

NAT098 – (Via-Rail-CEO)
TORONTO. x–16s. A high-frequency-rail project between Toronto and Quebec City is generating big questions about the future of Via Rail. On track to start operations in about a decade, the so-called H-F-R promises to transport more passengers more quickly, more often. But the swifter service could also threaten to redirect cash away from Via Rail’s broader service, which derives the vast majority of its revenue from the central Canadian corridor. Via C-E-O Mario Peloquin says profit arrangements have yet to be sorted out, but that the overall goal is to get more riders on trains.
(“..and so on.”) (SOURCE:The Canadian Press)

TAG: Last week, Via reported an operating loss that increased eight per cent year-over-year to 381.8 -million-dollars in 2023, even as ridership continues to grow.

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