
Audio clip NAT074

NAT074 – (Lost-Canadians)
OTTAWA. x–24s. A new government bill tabled in the House of Commons today would allow Canadians to pass their citizenship rights down to their children born outside of Canada. In 2009, Stephen Harper’s government changed the law so that Canadian parents who were born abroad could not pass down their citizenship, unless their child was born in Canada. Those who’ve not had access to citizenship rights as a result of the amendments are known as “Lost Canadians.” Immigration Minister Marc Miller says the new bill looks to undo that change — which was struck down by a recent court challenge — and extend citizenship by descent beyond the first generation born outside of Canada.
(“ the past.”) (SOURCE: The Canadian Press)

TAG: Miller says the government may have to request an extension from the court while the bill makes its way through the House of Commons, but he doesn’t want to wait long to fix the issue because people are being discriminated against in the meantime.

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