
APTN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

C. Potter! Good Lord! It really does exist. We found Potter's Treasure. What do you mean? I found it, me! "To my dear Charles on the occasion of our 10th anniversary. All my love, Ann." Makes you feel like you're trespassing in somebody else's life doesn't it? Just a lot of antiques. Not worth much I guess. Might be worth the whole world to them don't you think? You bet! All right. I'll put it all back. Oh, Relic, this is all yours. Nope, this is Potter's treasure. Hey, hey, this should go back too. No, you-- --you hang on to that. Jack and I have somethingto tell you. The real story. Oh, Sam, it's beautiful! Oh, thank you, sweetie. Well, some of the thanks should go to Nick and Jack. Well-- They helped me pick it out. Thank you, it's gorgeous! Oh where did you find this? Oh, ho, ho! Didn't you throw that away already? Are you kidding? It's a magic rock, worth the world to me. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Oh, my! There we go. Who made this? Did you? Yeah, yeah, it's beef-- made out of beef. [laughter] Okay, okay, I'm going to make a wish. Blow them all out! Okay, I got it. Everybody help! ANNCR: Amplifying Indigenous voices "It's a center for everybody to come in and be welcome" "no matter who they are." ANNCR: Elevating Indigenous perspectives "Those are the stories that we got, we need to tell them "to the rest of the world." ANNCR: This is APTN National News, hosted by Dennis Ward "First nation leaders in Manitoba are calling" "for immediate action" ANNCR: award winning journalism in action APTN National News, watch on air or online APTN Lumi. Indigenous stories streaming now. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! One of Canada's several carnivorous plants, the Round- leaved Sundew glistens in the sun. The sticky sweet secretions on its leaf tips lure and trap insects and spiders, which are then enveloped and digested. Found across the country, except for the prairies and tundra, this carnivorous plant has adapted to nutrient -poor wetland habitats by preying on small creatures to supplement its diet. To learn more about the Round -leaved Sundew, visit hww .ca

[ ] >>> What my hope is is that now that we have this scientific information, and it has been demonstrated clearly, that it is taken seriously. The two tonight, new research finds that the contamination was contamination near the resting arrows first nation is getting worse as. >> It has been challenging, of course, to find ways to reunite métis people during this time. >> Dennis: cassidy caron wrong, president of the national council's métis national council, will not seek reelection as. >> Dennis: and the kluane first nation is asking for help to protect their sheep in the yukon. [ ] >> Dennis: good evening, I am dennis ward. Welcome to be ten national news. You research from the university of western ontario found that waste water from the dryden paper mill is intensifying mercury contamination in ontario's english while the boutonniere river. Research team detected high levels of the most toxic form of mercury in water, sediment and fish. The paper mill stop producing mercury 1975, members of the nearby grassy narrows first nation continue to face significant health issues. Over 90% of the community's population symptoms of mercury poisoning. Researcher doctor brian brown for in hopes that the findings will encourage regulating bodies, which include the ontario government, to take action. >> What my hope is is that now that we have this scientific information, and it's been demonstrated clearly, that it is taken seriously, and there's no question in my mind that this these discharges are worsening the mercury problem in the river currently, and is not a solution because the mercury levels in the river are still exceptionally high and that needs to be cleaned up as well. But if we turned on the heat on the process that's performing the doors producing this mercury we can get rid of this pretty quickly. >> Dennis: the quewezance sisters made headlines in 2023 when they were granted bail after spending 30 years in custody for a second degree in 1994. Now recently one of the sisters has gone back into custody. Following the breach of two bail conditions, nurse I quewezance has been remanded into custody. She is currently in pine grove correctional centre. Sisters nerissa endo odelia quewezance were arrested in 1993 for the death of a farmer in kamsack. Prior to being released on bail in 2023, nerissa endothelial both previously had day parole revoked due to drug violations and failure to report to parole officers. Congress of aboriginal peoples national vice-chief kim beaudin says the system is set up for those released to fail. >> She does not need to go back to prison. She needs programming, she needs to go to a treatment centre, a healing lodge. >> Dennis: to ottawa now, where the standing committee on fisheries and oceans presented a report to the house of commons today that impart has called for the elvers fishery to open soon. Dan the boot you had close the elvers fishery due to safety concerns. Meanwhile they're still waiting for third-party independent review of the actions of fisheries officers. It has been a month since he called for the review into the actions of the officers back in march, when they let to mi'kmaw fishers who were harvesting elvers, or baby eels, stranded without shoes hours from home. And in another incident, mi'kmaw person was pulled over in a parking lot on suspicion of transporting elvers and subsequently maced. Prosper says fishery is officers must be held accountable. >> In order to proceed forward, there is a need to have a keen understanding of the underlying facts and something that you can only get through an appropriate independent investigation.

I think the independent aspect of the investigation is quite key. You essentially don't want the dfo to investigate itself. >> Dennis: the president of the métis national council says she will not be seeking reelection. Cassidy caron made the announcement at a press conference on wednesday afternoon and after three years in the position she says it is time to move on. And she says she is also pregnant and wanted to make the announcement early enough to give potential candidates time to step forward. An election for mnc president will be held september 26th of this year in saskatoon. And she says that the current controversy over bill c-53 did not play into her decision not to seek reelection. >> Cassidy Caron: as many people will note, the métis general there's many tea nation has been fighting for generations amongst themselves and with the government of canada. We are fighting people and it has been challenging of course to find ways to unite métis people during this time. However, I am proud of the work that we have done to unite our métis governments, to unite a lot of métis people through stories and events that have taken place in the last three years. >> Dennis: still in ottawa, the liberals are attacking the conservatives are attacking liberal government over food security and this comes after the canadian food bank released his property report card yesterday showing the high cost of living and housing are pushing more people below the poverty line fall flaws. >> Pierre Poilievre: after nine years,'s ndp liberal prime minister is not worth the homelessness and hunger. He doubled the debt, increased taxes and cause inflation but said it was all to fund generous programs that would end homelessness. Well, homelessness is now up 38% and one quarter of canadians are skipping meals because they cannot afford them. That is because his greedy government is consuming everything canadians earn. Why is the ndp and liberals forcing canadians to feed this morbidly obese government instead of the feeding their families. [ Applause ]

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