
APTN - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

so releasing him back into the hills is best for this horse. NARRATOR:Releasing Lungs is good for the overall health of the herds too when he passes on his incredible athleticism to future generations. Yeah, that's him. He made it back. EMERY:Back on his home range. Yeah. HAWK:There he is, Mr. Lungs. EMERY:Live the rest of his life out here. Yeah, he earns, earned his days though, yeah. One of them strong horses out here. It would be nice to have them all like that, nice and strong. HAWK:Well, his offspring's out there running around, so... Yeah, he's good where he's at now. We need to leave him be. Enjoy your meadow, Mr. Lungs. Enjoy the meadow, yeah. It's cool. (WHOOPING) NARRATOR:Next time... HOWARD:Are you going to make him jump? NARRATOR:A new chase nets a healthy crop of wild horses fixing for a fight. HAWK:They like to use their back feet. They can spin quickly, fire hard, and knock your head right off. NARRATOR:And a close encounter with one of the fiercest studs in the Valley. (HORSE WHINNIES) Closed captioning by Odd Boy Captioning Services. Power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. When the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. The winds are notletting up at all here. We're going to seesome power outages. Number one thing to preparefor is extended power outages. Are you prepared? You can be with a GeneracHome Standby Generator. When a power outage occurs, your Generac Home StandbyGenerator automatically powers up, using your home's existingnatural gas or propane, so your life goes on,without disruption. You and your family arecomfortable, safe, and secure. Stay tuned, to get overa $700 value free, on the most popular homestandby generator in the world. With the Generac,we don't have to worry about whetherwe lose power or not. If the utility company does not come through,our Generac does. Having the Generac generator, I felt secure thatif there was a power outage, I didn't have to worryabout it, that there would be heatin the home. There wouldn't bebusted pipes. After the hurricane happened, we just want to beprepared for anything. Generac generatorsare designed, engineered and built for the purposeof generating power. 8 out of 10 homegenerators are Generac, and have thousandsof satisfied customers. How many timeshave you heard people say, I never want to gothrough that again? Well, the next timeyou go through it, don't make itso hard on yourself. Have a Generac HomeStandby Generator. Call or go online now to requestyour free quote with one of Generacsnationwide dealers. And if you call now,you'll receive a free 5 year warrantyvalued at over $700. The call is free,the quote is free, and there's no obligationto buy, call or go online now. So the next timethere's a power outage, your home powers up.Power your life with Generac. Call or go online to requestyour free quote today. (announcer) Thursdays. (sfx emergency tone) So we just heard an emergency tone had come across our cellphones 'cause we're in an area that's tornado warned. (announcer) It's an entire night (announcer) dedicate to the awesome power of nature. All of the sudden it was like bear super-migration. (announcer) and nurture. Coda, brave little toaster you're such a good boy. (announcer)Dr. Savannah Wild Rose Vet, (announcer)The Nature of Things (announcer)Polar Bear Town. (man off camera)That's a lot of bears.

(announcer) Thursdays on aptn. [ ] >>> What my hope is is that now that we have this scientific information, and it has beenmy demonstrated clearly, that it is taken seriously. >> Dennis: tonight, new research finds the mercury contamination in the english-wabigoon river near the grassy narrows first nation is getting worse. >> Cassidy Caron: it has been challenging, of course, to find ways to reunite métis people during this time. >> Dennis: cassidy caron, president of the métis national council, will not seekg, reelection.he >> It's gonna be sad if we losecil the sheep on these mountains, right? >> Dennis: and the kluane first nation is asking for help to protect the dall sheep in the yukon. [ ] >> Dennis: good evening, I am dennis ward. Welcome toirst aptn national news. >>> New research from the university of western ONTARIOenni found that wastewater from the dryden paper mill isiona intensifying mercury contamination in ontario's english-wabigoon river. The research team detected highls levels of the most toxic form of mercury in water, sediment andnd fish. While the paper mill stopped using mercury in 1975, members of the nearby grassy narrows first nation continue to face significant health issues. Over 90% of the community's population symptoms of mercury poisoning. Researcher dr. Brian branfireun hopes that the findings will encourage regulating bodies, which include the ontariorcu government, to take action. A >> What my hope is is that now that we have this scientific information, and it's been demonstrated clearly, that it is taken seriously. And there's no question in mynall mind that this these discharges are worsening the mercury problem in the river currently. Andbu it's not a solution to the whole problem, because the mercury levels in the river are still exceptionally high andry that needs to be cleaned up as well. P but if we turn down the heat onines the process that's forming methylmercury, thengr we can bring down mercury levels in fish relatively quickly. Th >> Dennis: the quewezance sisters made headlines in 2023, when they were granted bail after spending 30 years inve custody for a second degree inrs n 1994.or t recently one of the sisters has gone back into custody. Following the breach of two bailprio conditions, nerissa quewezance has been remanded into custody. She is currently in pine grove correctional centre. Sisters nerissa and odeliaious quewezance were arrested in 1993 for the death of a farmer in kamsack.e prior to being released on bail in 2023, nerissa and odelia both previously had day parole revoked due to drug violationse n and failure to report to parole officers. T congress ofo aboriginal peopleshea national vice-chief kim beaudin says the system is set up for those released to fail. >> Kim Beaudin: she does not need to go back to prison. She needs programming, she needs to go to a treatment centre, or c a healing lodge. >> Dennis: to ottawa now,iew where the standing committee onfi fisheries and oceans presented a report to the house of commons today. In part, it has called for the elvers fishery to immediately re-open. Fisheries minister diane lebouthillier cancelled the 2024in elver harvesting season,ot claiming concerns over safety and conservation.

>>> Meanwhile, mi'kmaw senator fis paul prosper is still waiting for a third-party independent review of the actions of fisheries officers. It has been a month since he called for the review into the of actions of fishery officers back in march, when they let two mi'kmaw fishers who were harvesting elvers, or baby eels, standed without shoes hours from home. And in another incident, a I mi'kmaw person was pulled over in a parking lot on suspicion of transporting elvers and subsequently maced. Prosper says fishery officers must be held accountable. >> In order to proceed forward, there is a need to have a keenecti understanding of the underlyingf facts and something that you can only get through an appropriate independent investigation.ati I think the independent aspect of the investigation is quite key.le you essentially don't want thehal dfo to investigate itself. >> Dennis: the president of thi the métis national council says she will not be seeking reelection. Cassidy caron made the announcement at a press conference in ottawa on thursday afternoon. After three years in theng position, she says it is time toople move on.e y caron also says she is pregnanter I and wanted to make the announcement early enough to give potential candidates time to step forward. An election for mnc president will be held september 26th of this year in saskatoon. And she says that the current controversy over bill c-53 dides a not play into her decision not to seek reelection. >> Cassidy Caron: as many people will know, the métis nation has been fighting for generations. Amongst themselves and with the government of canada. 38% we are fighting people. It has been challenging, of course, to find ways to uniteey métis people during this time.hem. However, I am proud of the work that we have done to unite our métis governments, to unite a lot of métis people through stories and events that have taken place in the last three years. >> Dennis: still in ottawa, the conservatives are attacking liberal government during question period today over affordability. It comes afterent food banks canadas. Released it's property report card yesterday, showing the high cost of living and housing are pushing more people below the>> M poverty line. [ Applause ] >> Pierre Poilievre: after nine years,this ndp liberal prime minister is not worth the homelessness and hunger. He doubled the debt, increased taxes and caused inflation. But said it was all to fund generous programs that would end homelessness. Well, homelessness is now up 38% and one quarter of canadians areth skipping meals because they ou cannot afford them. That is because his greedyls government is consuming everything canadians earn. Why is the ndp and liberals000 forcing canadians to feed this morbidly obese government instead of the feeding their families? [ Applause ]

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