
APTN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

to be your lawfully wedded husband? I do. [Sal writes and reads] "The Bride was radiant in antique lace, "accented by perfect Royal Margaret Roses, obtained locally." You may now kiss the bride. [hoots and cheers] Raymond: Thanks for coming out. Nice to meet you. Laurel: Congratulations. Shshsh. That's wonderful, wonderful. All right. [Sal writes and reads] "The wedding photograph rendered by Richmond Forge "Images of Gibsons, included only the closet intimates "of the blissful couple, all holding magnificent Royal Margaret Roses. Thanks to a local grower." [motorcycle approaches] Yahoo! Okay, gather around, single ladies! This is your chance to get married. [Sal writes and reads] "Then, that magic moment, the new Mrs. DeSoto-Nogg "draws back her arm to cast the bouquet of purest Royal Margaret Roses to the throng of giddy Misses." Beg your pardon, excuse me. I'm sorry. [all laughing] [sustained happy screams] Closed CaptioningProvided by The CBC It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Nice hand towel, huh? What do you need a hand towel for? Can't you use a big towel for your hands? What's next, foot towel? Turkish... for eight bucks? You're getting this towel. Deals so good, everyone approves. HomeSense. Woman: Canada's heaviest land animal is the bison. Often referred to as buffalo, plains bison and wood bison historically numbered in the tens of millions. Fast herds provided critical resources to Indigenous peoples for thousands of years, until excessive hunting during colonization brought populations to near extinction. Conservation efforts will ensure Canada's bison continue to have room to roam. To learn more about bison, visit ( ) It isn't what you spend tonight. It's who you spend it with. ( ) Get perks that make everyday life a little richer with the Scotiabank Preferred Package. You're richer than you think. (classical music plays) My Lindor bar. To enjoy. To dream and to keep dreaming. Irresistibly smooth milk chocolate from the Lindt Maître Chocolatier. Melt into a lasting moment of bliss. We're on our way, on our way I really admire what you've done. Side by side everyday The look says it all. We'll go far as long as we got each other to discover this world we're making up together So let's start today To me it's an honor,

and a blessing. [ ] >> We will not see the success we need in order for us to continue our life here and what is no saskatchewan. >> Reporter: -- >> Dennis: , tonight the cowessess first nation and saskatchewan receives thousands of acres of land back. >> People in the cities are judged by downtown and we know the downtown housing is absolutely critical to be a safer more vibrant winnipeg. >> Dennis: more funding to revitalize and add housing for winnipeg's downtown. >> Pretty much have been around. [ ] tire life. I grip watching my family perform and sing and have intermittent -- instruments and things. >> Dennis: and eight country legends granddaughter is looking to make a name for herself. [ ] >> Dennis: good evening, I am dennis ward. Welcome to aptn national news. Unsafe drinking water continues to play communities in nunavut. Ndp mp peter julian asked the liberals white during question period today. Here is that exchange. >> Water is life and I believe tricking water as a human right but in nunavut, only eight out of 25 water treatment facilities past their health and safety test. The result is a very real possibility of unsafe drinking water for the people of nunavut. Liberals have neglected to write healthy dripping water for indigenous communities. Will the liberals act urgently to provide the funding that ensures nunavut communities have clean, safe drink and water now? [ Applause ] >> The honourable parliamentary secretary. >> I think it's it's very hard for any kinew to get the drink and water we worked very hard for the returning government history there's record and dustin around this right no there are 28 bringing water advisories lifted and there's a project underway for a single one of them. There's only been -- 96 percent of first nation still have access to clean water and we are to make should say that waste looking to the north there's ongoing challenges specific to the regions and we will make sure to work with them for and indigenous lead, and lead solution to the problem. >> Dennis: still with question period, ndp mp charlie angus grilled the liberal governments about finding the proper hospital in james bay. The winnebago area health authority has stated that there has been no money announced by ottawa for its new hospital. >> The cree region is ground zero for underfunded and systemically racist federal health policy. Get through it all, the winnebago health authority has worked hard to establish quality healthcare and proper facilities yet at the 11th hour, the minister of indigenous services walked away on their commitment to build a proper hospital. On monday, national regional provincial leaders on health and indigenous rights will be coming to ottawa to hold this government to account they want to know why did the minister breaker word to the people of james bay? >> The honourable parliamentary secretary to the minister of indigenous services. >> Thank you mr speaker. For years we've been working to help shape the future of healthcare delivery. Conversations are ongoing with all partners at every level government which has a role to play to ensure healthcare for rural communities from toronto to kenora to moosomin, everyone deserves quality much healthcare we'll continue working to find a path forward thank you. >> To saskatchewan dose out the saskatchewan that cowessess first nation has recent we receive thousands of acres of land back through a recent transfer. The government of saskatchewan said that 3800 acres of crown mineral rights land will be transferred to cowessess first nation under the first nations tree land in tight little -- treeline entitlement settlement agreement. Cowessess chief chief erica beaudin said the additions to reserve or atr is located in various areas surrounding cowessess. And the land will most likely be used and -- for more farming. Chief erica beaudin set all of us of government have a responsibility to ensure first nations prosper as well through the treaty that was signed between first nations, the crown and the canadian government 150 years ago. >> Without it, us the original peoples the queen or pardon me, the king now as well as the provincial government without all of us working together under that treaty covenant will not see the success that we need in order for us in order to

continue our life year in what is known as saskatchewan. >> Dennis: to winnipeg now, with the federal government unveiled $31 million in funding to the southern chiefs organization to help revitalize downtown winnipeg the funding we'll help the sco develop the project in the former hudson's bay company building. Our reporter cierra bettens is that story. >> All people deserve replaced a call home. Right now in this building we will witness accretion of 300 housing units for first nations families, "second-rate students, elders and our veterans. [ Applause ] >> Reporter: in a few years,'s former hudson's bay company building is slated to reopen his lease reopen with affordable housing units childcare centre and even museum. Today, the federal government introduced million's of dollars in funding to the southern chiefs organization to support the redevelop and project. >> We know that cities are judged by downtown we know downtown housing is absently critical to safer more vibrant winnipeg we also know that winnipeg is canada's most vital city when we talk about reconciliation. >> Reporter: $25 million of funding comes from infra- structure canada to support building repairs and upgrades the remaining $6 million from perry scan would support the creation of connect, a first nation's workforce recruitment at. The team hopes to hire over 400 people to work on the redevelop and projects through the op. The manitoba minister of housing, addiction and homelessness, bernadette smith said the province would dedicate $10 million in funding to the project. In addition to their 25 million-dollar bay redevelop and find. >> This continuing of care we've been talking about. Getting people from a cam and into homes into employment and even into imagining reopen -- owning their own home. This is what I see this place being. >> Reporter: sco grand chief gary daniels said the product is developing would be threaded 58 for the units up from the 200 units previously planned. The project would also develop services of childcare and specialized food costs. >> There's more units year ben had initially been here two years ago so we had an entire floor of units here more housing here than there was initially. >> Reporter: will a timeline isn't set in stone, grand chief daniel said the hope to help with the buildings opening on the 100th birthday jeneroux 2026. Cierra bettens, winnipeg, aptn national news. >> Reporter: the trial of an admitted real killer in winnipeg is on a short hiatus after the crown rested its case this week. Still ahead, after the break, we will speak with the two aptn news reporters who have been sitting in on court date in Announcer: Food brings us together Announcer: in a spirit of sharing. Announcer: Whether it's sharing a meal around a kitchen table or Announcer: or drinking tea by a crackling fire, It's the only way to learn, hey? Hands on. Announcer: Sharing food has always been part Announcer: of the human story. You know what? You should try cooking! (laughter) Announcer: Chuck and the First Peoples' Kitchen Announcer: Tuesday on aptn. I see the non living, I see Spirits, I see residual energies. (announcer) If entities revealed themselves, See that? Whoah. He's definatly here (announcer) Do you choose to believe, Is that energy or my son playing? (announcer) or question the evidence before you? I almost got shoved over the railing. I have to say I'm a little shook. (announcer) Ghost Hunters of the Grand River, Wednesday on aptn. She'll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes. She'll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes. She'll be coming ‘round the mountain. And the river. And the desert. And whatever types of terrain she can find out there. Yeehaw. The Ford Bronco family. Designed to take you here, there and home again. (classical music plays) My Lindor bar. To enjoy. To dream and to keep dreaming. Irresistibly smooth milk chocolate from the Lindt Maître Chocolatier. Melt into a lasting moment of bliss. - [Narrator] Used for two weeks,now it's a $1,500 coat rack. Didn't even learn"Smoke on the Water." Broke her pinky.

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