
APTN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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[ ] >> We will not see the success we need in order for us to continue our life here in WHATRe is now saskatchewan. Cowessess first nation in saskatchewan receives thousands of acres of land back. >> Cities are judged by downtown and we know that downtown housing is absolutely critical to a safer, more vibrant winnipeg. >> Dennis: more funding to revitalize and add housing for winnipeg's downtown. >> Pretty much have been around music my whole life, grew up watching my family perform and sing and play instruments and stuff. [ ] >> I grew up watching my family perform and sing and have instruments and things. >> Dennis: and, a country legend's granddaughter is looking to make a name for herself. > Dennis: good evening, I am dennis ward. Welcome to aptn national news. Unsafe drinking water continues [ ] to plague communities in nunavut. Ndp mp peter julian asked the liberals why during question period today. Here is that exchange. >> Water is life and I believe drinking water is a human right, but in nunavut, only eight out of 25 water treatment facilities passed their health and safety test. The result is a very real possibility of unsafe drinking water for the people of nunavut. Liberals have neglected to provide healthy drinking water for indigenous communities. Will the liberals act urgently to provide the funding thatto ensures nunavut communities have clean, safe drinking water now? [ applause ] >> The speaker: the honourable parliamentary secretary. >> We know it is unnacceptable to have any communities without clean drinking water in this country. We worked very hard for the first time in our government's history there's record investments and just around this right now, there are 20 existing long term drinking water advisories lifted and there's a project underway for every single one of them. We've already lifted 144 long term drinking water advisories since 2015. 96 percent of first nations still have access to clean water and we are going to make sure that stays that way particularly those particularly for the north where there are ongoing challenges specific to the region, and we will make sure to work with them for an indigenous led, inuit led solution to the problem. >> Dennis: still with question period, ndp mp charlie angus grilled the liberal governmentsy. About funding a proper hospital in james bay. The weeneebayko winnebago area health authority has stated that there has been no money announced by ottawa for its new hospital. >> The mushkegowuk cree region is ground zero for underfunded and systemically racist federal health policy. Yet through it all, the winnebago health authority has worked hard to establish quality healthcare and proper facilities yet, at the 11th hour, the t minister of indigenous services walked away on their commitment to build a proper hospital. On monday, national regional provincial leaders on health AND1t indigenous rights will be coming to ottawa to hold this government to account, they want to know why did the minister break their word to the people of james bay. >> The speaker: the honourable parliamentary secretary to the minister of indigenous services. >> Thank you, mr speaker. For years we've been working with waha and the community it serves to help shape the future t of healthcare delivery. Conversations are ongoing with all partners at every level government which has a role to play to ensure healthcare for rural communities from torontoth to kenora to moosomin, everyone deserves quality healthcare, regardless of who they are and we'll continue working waha and ontario to find a path forward. Thank you. >> Dennis: to southeast saskatchewan where the cowessess first nation has recently received thousands of acres of land back through a recent transfer. The government of saskatchewan said that 3,800 acres of crown mineral rights land will be transferred to cowessess first nation under the first nations treaty land entitlement settlement agreement. Cowessess chief erica beaudin said the additions to reserve, or atr, is located in various areas surrounding cowessess. And the land will most likely be used for more farming. Chief erica beaudin said all levels of government have a responsibility and obligation to ensure first nations prosper as well through the treaty that was signed between first nations, the crown, and the canadian government 150 years ago. >> Without it, us the original peoples the queen or pardon me, the king now, as well as the provincial government, without all of us working together under that treaty covenant will not see the success that we need in order for us in order to continue our life here in what is now known as saskatchewan. >> Dennis: to winnipeg now, with the federal government unveiled $31 million in funding to the southern chiefs organization to help revitalize downtown winnipeg the funding will help the sco develop the wehwehneh bahgahkinahgohn project in the former hudson's bay company building. Our reporter cierra bettens has that story.

>> All people deserve a place a call home. Right now in this very building, we will witness the creation of 350 housing units for first nations families, postsecondary students, elders, and our veterans. [ applause ] >> Reporter: in a few years, the former hudson's bay company building is slated to reopen with affordable housing units, childcare centre, and a even -- childcare centre, and even a museum. Today, the federal government dedicated 31 million dollars in erfunding to the southern chiefsced organization to support the redevelopment wehwehneh bahgahkinahgohn project. >> We know that cities are judged by their downtown, we know downtown housing is absolutely critical to a safer, more vibrant winnipeg. We also know that winnipeg is canada's most vital city when we talk about reconciliation. >> Reporter: $25 million of funding comes from infrastructure canada to support building repairs and upgrades. The remaining $6 million from prairiescan would support the creation of miikhnnah connect, a first nation's workforce recruitment app. The team hopes to hire over 400 people to work on the redevelopment project through the app. The manitoba minister of housing, addiction and homelessness, bernadette smith said the province would dedicate $10 million in funding to the project. In addition to their 25 million dollar bay building redevelopment fund. >> This continuing of care we've been talking about getting people from encampments and into homes into employment and even into imagining owning their own home. This is what I see this place being. >> Reporter: sco grand chief jerry daniels said the project is developing more housing that will total 358 units, that's up from the 200 units previously planned. H the project would also develop services like childcare and subsidized food costs. >> There's more units here than had initially been here two years ago, so we added an entire floor of units here, more housing here than there was initially. >> Reporter: while a timeline isn't set in stone, grand chief daniels said the hope to host a soft opening on the building's 100th birthday in january 2026. Cierra bettens, winnipeg, aptn national news. >> Dennis: the trial of anl admitted serial killer in winnipeg is on a short hiatus after the crown rested its case this week. Still ahead, after the break, we will speak with the two aptn news reporters who have been sitting in on court day in and day out. Stick around. [ ] You want to wipe out a people? Attack their food. (Announcer) Years of genocide, They decided to destroy buffalo and bring these people to their knees. (Announcer) Changed Indigenous food systems. Our food system has been colonised. (Announcer) a growing movement to reclaim identity, We're re-introducing our young people to the land (Announcer) focuses on healing through harvesting. and our traditional ways of healing. (Announcer) Gather, part of aptn Documentaries. (anncr) Indigenous entrepreneurs (anncr) enter the bears' lair. (anncr) hoping their idea sets them apart... We're trying to change the world. We're trying to do something big. (anncr) ... as they compete for $100,000. Wonder Woman. Party of one! (anncr) Which ideas will have the bears salivating. It's going to be hard to decide which one. (anncr)Bears' Lair, a new seasonbegins June 4th (anncr)on aptn. ( ) ( ) And they steal ideas From your daughters The one they want Fighting, ohh Sublime Elsewhere naked offered divine And touched by them only Fighting (phone dings) ( ) Ever feel like no matter what you've got, someone's got more? And someone's got more than that? More to spend. More places to go. And just when you think there couldn't possibly be any more, more... You realize... There's more to life than more. ( ) You're richer than you think. Scotiabank. ( ) At Marshalls, our buyers spend everyday hustling for the brands you love. So you don't have to. ( )

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