
28 Best Summer Fragrances That Glamour Editors Wear Everyday

Courtesy of brands

You know that scene in Ratatouille when the food is so good it transports a grumpy food critic back to his happy childhood? That’s what the best summer fragrances are capable of doing, just with smell. One spritz of your favorite seasonal scent and you're instantly reliving the best of beach days bygone, boat rides with besties, favorite family vacations, summertime crushes, and ice cream cones by the pool. I know such is the case for me, at least—I experience my own version of the Ratatouille critic’s euphoria each time I smell my Vacation sunscreen.

It's no surprise that in the springtime search for the best summer fragrance spikes. In fact, according to a report from Luxurynsight and Spate, nearly half of perfume purchases in the US are driven by social media recommendations, and Gen Z now considers TikTok (hi, #PerfumeTok) to be their preferred platform for discovering independent fragrance brands. What's more, fragrance fanatics are more than three times as likely to purchase one linked to emotional attributes and/or memories as described in TikTok videos. Translation? Everyone really does gravitate toward nostalgia, memory-inducing aromas, and especially those that evoke reminders from summers past.

To help you on your seasonal-scent journey, we polled Glamour editors for their favorite summer perfumes, from floral notes to fruity aromas and musky smells.