
Prepare to Be Moved: Witness the Raw and Powerful Moments Captured in These 27 Award-Winning Birth Photos of 2023

It's once again that time of year when the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers announces the winners of its yearly competition, and it's safe to say that 2024's honorees...delivered.

The IAPBP has more than 1,100+ members in 51 countries.

Warning: these photos include graphic depictions of childbirth including nudity and, in two instances, child loss. 

1.First, this photo of newborn twins breastfeeding for the first time won Best Overall Birth Details.

A mother holds her newborn against her chest in a hospital setting after delivery

2.This striking image of an emotional mother stepping into a birth pool during labor was named Best Overall Labor.

Pregnant person standing by a window with sunlight, silhouette highlights belly, peaceful setting

3.This photo capturing the moments after a C-section — as the dad bonds with the baby and a doctor stitches up the happy mother's incisions — was awarded Best Overall Postpartum.

Mother in a birthing room with medical staff and newborn

(Warning: the next image depicts child loss, so you may want to skip ahead.)

4.In order to "honor and recognize the one in four birthing persons who experience miscarriage and/or infant loss," the IAPBP has an Overall Hardship & Loss category — below is this year's winner.

Two adults appear emotional holding a newborn born still; they're sitting on a hospital bed

5.This shot of a doctor or nurse framed by a mother's leg won the sub-category of Birth Details: Black and White.

Woman resting with her legs up, illuminated by soft light, conveying a peaceful moment possibly related to parenting rest

6.This image of a breech birth won the sub-category of Birth Details: Documentary.

A newborn is being delivered as medical staff assist in a hospital setting, symbolizing childbirth and parenting

7.This photo of a baby fresh out of their mother and covered in vernix won the sub-category of Birth Details: Fine Art.

A newborn is cradled by a person with tattoos immediately after birth

8.This snap of a baby boy dramatically entering the world via C-section won the sub-category of Delivery: Black and White.

Newborn held up by medical staff during a delivery in an operating room

9.The photographer of this photo used a mirror to capture the image of a baby's head first poking out of their mother — it won the sub-category of Delivery: Documentary.

Newborn baby held by caregiver's hands in a bonding moment post-birth

10.This photo — of parents celebrating the birth of a baby who is still attached to the umbilical cord — won the sub-category of Delivery: Fine Art.

A parent comforting their child wrapped in a towel, both showing relief and affection

11.This capture of a tired mother laboring won the sub-category of Delivery: Black and White.

Pregnant person stands in doorway, silhouetted, touching belly; peaceful atmosphere. Photographer's watermark present

12.This photo of a woman summoning the strength to keep going won the sub-category of Labor: Documentary.

Group gathers for support during a home birth at night with city lights in the background

13.This image of a laboring mother receiving tremendous love and support won the sub-category of Labor: Fine Art.

Woman in labor in a birthing pool with support people around her

14.This image of a mother breastfeeding her children — one older, one minutes old — won the sub-category of Postpartum: Black and White.

Mother cradling newborn in water for a bonding moment, depicted in a serene and intimate setting

15.This photo of a mother relaxing in a birthing pool with her new baby — as the baby grips their dad's finger — won the sub-category of Postpartum: Documentary.

Newborn held by parents' hands in a birthing pool, surrounded by floating candles

16.This photo of a mother and baby gazing at each other won the sub-category of Postpartum: Fine Art.

Newborn held by a tattooed parent post water birth, another person's head in the foreground

17.And this dramatic photo — of a baby clutching a doctor's finger while still in the womb during a C-section — is the competition's Overall First Place Winner.

Medical team performing a newborn delivery with focus on the baby being held by gloved hands

In addition to the photos selected by the competition's judges, the association's members recognized these additional standouts:

18.This joyous moment was named the winner of the Members' Choice Best Overall Delivery.

Newborn rests on mother's chest immediately after birth, with father embracing them and medical staff assisting

19.This shot of a mother admiring the amniotic sac her baby came in (the baby was born en caul) was named Members' Choice Best Overall Birth Details.

Mother cradling newborn on her chest in a birthing pool, with a caregiver's hand supporting

20.This moment of love and unity was named Members' Choice Best Overall Labor.

Woman in labor supported by partner in a birthing pool, showing a moment of comfort and care

21.This shot of a mother, her baby, and her fur baby was named Members' Choice Best Overall Postpartum.

Newborn rests on mother's chest during skin-to-skin contact as a watchful dog looks on

(Warning: the next image depicts child loss, so you may want to skip ahead.)

22.And this photo of a father and grandfather grieving the loss of a baby born still won the Member's Choice Best Overall.

Two adults and a newborn in a hospital room, one seated holding baby, the other with head in hands

Finally, here are some memorable photos that were named honorable mentions:

23.This photo of an emotional mother as a doctor holds up her baby was named an Honorable Mention in Delivery.

Woman giving birth via C-section with medical team and newborn visible

24.This image of a baby born in the occiput posterior position (when the baby is head-down but facing the mother's front instead of her back) was named an Honorable Mention in Delivery.

Woman in labor with a support person by her side, preparing for childbirth

25.This photo of a mother pulling her baby out of her abdomen during a C-section was named an Honorable Mention in Delivery.

Newborn baby being delivered via c-section with medical staff assisting

26.This emotional shot of a grandmother meeting her grandchild was named an Honorable Mention in Postpartum.

A woman on a hospital bed holds a newborn, another woman stands by emotionally, and a person observes from behind

27.And lastly, this capture of a mother breastfeeding her brand-new baby and older child was named an Honorable Mention in Postpartum.

A mother and child sharing a moment on the bed, child held in arms, both looking at each other

Want to see more unforgettable birth photos? Check out all of the this year's competition entries.