
P.K. Subban stuns kids in disguise as security guard, wins Christmas (Video)

PK's Holiday Surprise from PK Subban on Vimeo.

This is the greatest.

P.K. Subban of the Montreal Canadiens decided to lay a holiday surprise on a group of local children. He was going to put them on a bus, take them to the Montreal practice rink, give them some quality swag (including Subban jerseys) and have them skate on the ice.

Oh yeah … he was also going to dress as an elderly security guard named Karl and shock the hell of them by ripping off the disguise and taking the ice.

Mission accomplished.

How great was that scene when the kids catch wise to his ruse as he’s shedding his “Karl” outfit? How great was P.K. with those kids, playing without a stick?

And how great was that disguise?

(Extra points to Subban for the “soul glo” reference. Randy Watson would be proud.)

Remember during Subban's contract talks when we said you can't put a price tag on what he gives you off the ice? This is what we were talking about.