
Man covers Blackhawks goal song playing trumpet, firing handgun (Video)

A YouTuber named “Charlie Cook” provides an interesting service to his viewers: He takes requests and covers songs for them, using his trusty trumpet.

Oh, yeah, and a handgun.

He calls them “Gun Grams” and he recently created one for his niece, Neleh, in which Cook performed the Chicago Blackhawks’ iconic goal song “Chelsea Dagger” in his unique style.

Because obviously you know what leads to goals, right? SHOTS!

(Honestly, the most distrubing thing in this big ball of distrubing: Where are those bullets going?)

You know, we’ve heard this song covered a dozen ways, including with a full orchestra. But we can honestly say this is the best cover of “Chelsea Dagger” we’ve ever heard that involved a trumpet and a handgun for percussion.

And happy birthday, Neleh. Hopefully next year you get a cover of "Brass Bonanza" featuring a saxophone and a bazooka.

 s/t DNAinfo