
Lauren Pronger, wife of Flyers’ Chris Pronger, opens up about her husband’s concussion (Video)

We've heard a lot about concussions over the past year, but it's not often that you hear from the wives of the players suffering from them. That's what makes this video, in which Chris Pronger's wife Lauren opens up about her husband's slow recovery, so compelling.

Heartbreaking, too. While the Philadelphia Flyers no doubt miss a healthy Chris Pronger, it would appear the Pronger family does as well. From CSN Philly:

As someone who's never suffered a concussion, I can't say what would be tougher: being alone during such a difficult period, or being surrounded by friends and family that don't quite understand and can't help but feel anxious. It seems as though, with the headaches and the sensitivity to noise and light, being alone would be preferable at times.

But, as the video indicates, it's not always an option when you have a family.

This quote from Mrs. Pronger really stood out to me:

"[The kids] are confused all the time. 'Dad, when can we go to a game, Dad when are you gonna play,' and he looks at them, he's like, 'Please don't ask that question because God knows I want to get out there and I want to play too.' So it's been an adjustment for all of us. He's around a lot more, I'm not used to that, but I do as much as I can to support him and I want to see him better.

I can't help but key in on that final point, about what the family is used to. As the son of a retired pilot, I can safely say that, when someone goes from coming home intermittently to being at home permanently, the adjustment is hard for everyone. Add a concussion to the mix and it has to be even moreso.

As for Pronger's recovery timeline, depressingly, there's still no indication of progress. "We're hoping for a better day tomorrow, and at least a couple good days in a row would be nice," Lauren says.

We can only join the Pronger family in wishing Chris a speedy recovery.