
Did Chicago Blackhawks 2015 Winter Classic jersey leak? (UPDATE: Nope)


The Pony Inn is a bar in Chicago. On Friday, Nov. 7, they’re giving away a 2015 Chicago Blackhawks Winter Classic jersey during a viewing party for their game against the Washington Capitals, their opponents in the New Year’s Day game.

According to the bar, which we called to confirm the image, this is what the jerseys are going to look like, having tweeted out this poster one day before the Blackhawks are officially releasing the jersey.

It was anticipated that the Blackhawks would go with a black sweater since the Capitals are rocking the red. This isn’t exactly a huge departure from the Hawks’ typical looks, or looks from the past, but it’s still the Greatest Logo In Sports, front and center.

One point of concern regarding the jersey's validity: That is not the 2015 Winter Classic patch. So grain of salt and all that...

If this is the jersey, what do you think?

 s/t Sean 

UPDATE: The Hawks deny this is the new sweater. And Hockey Brunch tracks it back to fan concepts from the Sportslogo boards. So, essentially, the Pony Inn swiped an image and is advertising that a fake sweater will be given away on Friday. Nice.