
Cam Talbot still loves Ghostbusters in new, Zuul-themed mask (Photo)

Follow Cam Talbot's career for even a short amount of time and you're going to learn two things about him: 1) He's a goalie. 2) He really likes Ghostbusters.

All you have to do is look at his gear and these two things become crystal clear. He's usually wearing goalie pads, which is a dead giveaway on what position he plays, and he's been rocking Ghostbuster-themed masks since he got Dave Gunnarsson to paint the Stay Puft Marshallow Man and Slimer on his mask in 2010.

On Friday, Gunnarsson debuted his latest creation for Talbot, and unsurprisingly, it's Ghostbusters-themed. (He really likes Ghostbusters.)

Cam Talbot's new mask, via
Cam Talbot's new mask, via

Love that Bill Murray has finally found his way onto a goalie mask. He should be on all of them.

Gunnarsson explained the new mask on his Facebook page:

So now it is here, the next chapter of Cam Talbot´s ghost hunting New York Rangers masks…. Every single mask of Talbot´s latest Ghostbusters masks has become such huge successes, so Cam now even has his new nickname; GoalBuster…. But be careful, this time Cam Talbot will be transformed into the Zuul dog when he puts this mask on…

Just check out the chin of the mask… so many teeth.. The Zuul dog is created at the lower part of the mask, and the rest of the mask is totally action packed with details to tell the story of ghost hunting in New York… And in the centre, of course slime…! That is what we call actual physical contact..

Zuul is a fitting spirit animal for Talbot, as the demon dog is basically a goalie himself. He's the gatekeeper of Gozer. He's also capable of possessing people, which is good news for Alain Vigneault, who coaches a possession system.

Talbot's averaging one new Ghostbusters mask every year now. Here's the first one from 2012, when Talbot was still with the Connecticut Whale:

Cam Talbot's first Ghostbusters-themed mask.
Cam Talbot's first Ghostbusters-themed mask.

And in 2013, Talbot had a new one made up for the Rangers' Stadium Series games.

Talbot Stadium Series mask.
Talbot Stadium Series mask.

It is my sincere hope that he continues the Ghostbusters theme for the rest of his career, and if Ghostbusters III goes through, as planned, the filmmakers have the foresight to give him a walk-on role.