
What was the backstory behind Jameis Winston's crab legs photo?

You just knew the Angry Twitter Mob was going to overreact to Jameis Winston's crab legs photo on Thursday night.

It was funny, but who cares because there was something to overreact about on social media. Everyone knows the origin: Winston got caught walking out of a Publix supermarket with crab legs. He later said that an employee promised to hook him up with free food. Publix denied that's the case. It's not the best look for Winston, though it's also not an issue worth months of outrage either.

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So on Thursday night, from his draft party, he posted a photo that has since been taken down after there was negative reaction. But of course, everything lives forever on the Internet.

Why this has become a deal is strange, but even stranger when you hear the explanation from Yahoo Sports' Shaun King. King explained the backstory behind the photo in a series of tweets.

So there you go. It's not really worth getting worked up about.

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Frank Schwab is the editor of Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!