
Green Bay Packers lose game on fumble that they recover (Video)

The Green Bay Packers lost control of home-field advantage after losing to the Buffalo Bills on Sunday.

One big reason: Aaron Rodgers lost control of the ball on the game-clinching safety.

Defensive end Mario Williams strip-sacked Rodgers as the Packers were trying to win the game, down 19-13 with less than two minutes remaining.

The loose ball sat there in the end zone — untouched — for a few seconds before running back Eddie Lacy picked it up and tried in vain to run the ball. But the second Lacy touched the ball, it was considered a dead ball, and the Bills were awarded the 2-point safety.

By NFL rule, only Rodgers could have recovered the fumble:

"If any player fumbles after the two-minute warning in a half, only the fumbling player is permitted to recover and/or advance the ball. If recovered by any other offensive player, the ball is dead at the spot of the fumble unless it is recovered behind the spot of the fumble. In that case, the ball is dead at the spot of recovery. Any defensive player may recover and/or advance any fumble at any time."

Rodgers had no idea where the ball was. The ball went unclaimed for ages, it seemed. Lacy got it but couldn't do enough with it. What a weird-looking play — especially the replay angle.

Although it remained a one score game with the Bills leading 21-13, Chris Hogan fell on the ensuing onsides kick attempt by the Packers to preserve the victory.

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Eric Edholm is a writer for Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!