
New Cy-Hawk Trophy is simultaneously the quaintest and strangest trophy in sports

The Iowa State Fair: It's not just for unflattering pictures of presidential candidates inhaling corndogs anymore. Friday, it was also the host for the unveiling of the unwieldiest trophy in sports:

DES MOINES, Iowa - The winner of the Iowa/Iowa State game will take home a trophy with a much different look this year.

Today at the Iowa State Fair the Iowa Corn Growers Association unveiled the new Cy-Hawk football trophy. The trophy shows an Iowa family together after a day on the farm.

"This is literally a work of art representing the people and characteristics that are uniquely Iowan," said Craig Floss, CEO for Iowa Corn. "Just as the trophy reads, we are honest, hard working, family and community orientated people. Iowa's corn farmers are proud to bring this work of art to the new Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series football game and we look forward to sharing it with the people of Iowa."

It doesn't quite have the same cachet as a bronzed pig, does it?

For the record, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that just shy of 95 percent of employed Iowans work in a non-farm industry, nearly half of them in the "Trade, Transportation and Utilities," "Education and Health Services" and "Manufacturing" sectors. But when it comes to official depictions of the state in the 21st century, they're still willing to stick with "Corn." Corn, and scenes from an imagined Norman Rockwell painting. (Or is it from the "Grapes of Wrath"?)

Ironically, the new Cy-Hawk Trophy is being introduced to replace the old Cy-Hawk Trophy:{YSP:MORE}

…which was recently retired because it looked kind of cheap and outdated, and maybe they ran out of room for all the plates commemorating each year's winner. Who knows. But I guarantee, even Cyclones and Hawkeyes can agree that it has never looked better.

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Matt Hinton is on Facebook and Twitter: Follow him @DrSaturday.