
LeBron James and Jimmy Fallon echo Kurtis Blow with ‘Wastepaper Basketball’ (Video)

With his ascension to the Tonight Show throne, Jimmy Fallon was afforded the luxury of a bigger budget, better sets, and more elaborate props to use in his sketches. So what does he decide to do in his second week on the gig, with the first appearance of a major pro athlete?

Let’s re-film a low budget video from 30 years ago, using crumpled up pieces of paper and a single trash bin!

It’s actually pretty funny, and it features LeBron James. Here’s “Wastepaper Basketball.”

For those that are cruelly unaware, the parody is a take on Kurtis Blow’s classic song and video for “Basketball.” Please watch:

And A.D. Miles’ appearance at the end proves that it’s just as hard to end sketches as it is to end musical parodies. At least LeBron didn’t have to wear a mask for this one.