
Miami Marlins run ‘ultimate fan’ contest — and it goes exactly as you’d expect

If most baseball teams held a social media contest looking for an "ultimate fan" to win an all-expense paid trip to New York City, fans would falling all over themselves to win. A weekend's worth of games? A tour of the MLB Fan Cave? That's a heck of a prize. But as we know, the Miami Marlins aren't most teams. They're an actual punchline in motion.

So when the Marlins started this "ultimate fan" contest, things got ugly ... or amusing, depending on your perspective. All people have to do is post a picture on Instagram that shows how much they love the team, with the hashtag #MarlinsFanCave. But even that opens the team to jabs from "fans."

These are actual responses to the Facebook post announcing the contest:

"you guys have no fans."

"do I get to hide in shame in this cave?"

"Is this the cave where Loria and Samson are hiding?"

"This organization might just be the funniest joke ever."

"If anyone needs Marlins cheap first row tickets Message me."

"Please let me choose the game to watch. If I have to watch the Marlins I would feel like I had lost."

Can't be sure whether this guy is being serious or sarcastic, but if he's serious just shut down the contest and make him the winner. Even if he doesn't get the tattoo. Just thinking about it is enough.

"I'm getting the homerun sculpture tatt'd on my leg here in a few weeks."

People on Instagram were also really excited:

"It's just pathetic at this point. Cancel this account!! Cancel the season while you're at it."

"Wait, there is such a thing as marlins fans?"

Maybe it's time for the Marlins to work with what the public is giving them and just start a "Troll the Marlins" contest. They can give these as prizes to the people who make the best jokes about their franchise:

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