
Rob Ford-founded Rexdale Raiders football program turfed for welshing on league fees

The hits just keep on coming for Rob Ford, but as he put it earlier this week regarding brain injuries in football, there's nothing that can be done but stay in there and keep taking them.

In a more innocent age — 12 months ago, before the confession of crack smoking, before objectifying his own spouse, before the Toronto as late-night talk show punching bag and prior to the release of police wiretaps and whatnot — ol' Mr. Respect For Taxpayers using taxpayers' resources on his football coaching sideline seemed kind of cute. Really, it did. It was just nice to see that Robbie Boo Hoo cared about something. Now the youth football program that Toronto's "mayor of nothing" founded has been bounced from its league for failing to meet obligations.

From Renata D'Aliesio:

The Ontario Minor Football League suspended the Raiders because the club failed to pay $1,950 in fees and fines, a violation of the league’s constitution, said the organization’s president Dan Ralph. He noted the Raiders were informed how much money was owed at the end of the summer football season. The league received a note in September from the club’s representative, Xhejsi (JC) Hasko, a junior aide in the mayor’s office, stating he was looking into getting the overdue payment covered. The league received no further response from the Raiders to its follow-up e-mails requesting payment, Mr. Ralph said. Neither Mr. Hasko nor the mayor’s office responded to requests for comment Friday.(The Globe & Mail)

Accountability, thy name is Ford.

That is actually part of a larger story entailing how one of Ford's coaching hires with the Raiders and Don Bosco Catholic Secondary, Payman Aboodowleh, is a convicted criminal who falsified his name in order to pass the school board's background check.

From D'Alesio:

Mr. Aboodowleh, a long-time friend of Mr. Ford, had coached alongside the mayor for several years at Don Bosco and was heavily involved with the Raiders, founded by Mr. Ford in 2011. The Globe and Mail revealed in October that Mr. Aboodowleh passed a criminal background check with the Toronto Catholic school board despite his violent history, which included assaulting a police officer and a sibling, and breaking and entering.

The school board said Mr. Aboodowleh switched the “L” in his last name to “I” on his background check form. The change was not noticed by the school principal despite a requirement to verify identification.

Don Bosco removed Ford as its coach on May 22. A lot of citizens of Toronto, as well as Canadians who understand the city's importance to this great country, really envy that school these days.

Neate Sager is a writer for Yahoo! Canada Sports. Follow him on Twitter @neatebuzzthenet. Please address any questions, comments or concerns to