
Troy Tulowitzki takes in Yankees game in New York

Let the speculation begin.

Colorado Rockies shortstop Troy Tulowitzki — yes, he's still with the Rockies — is currently on the disabled list nursing a thigh injury, but he was still turning heads on Sunday afternoon. Not on the field, of course, but for making a rather curious appearance at Yankee Stadium to watch New York take on the Toronto Blue Jays.

On Saturday, the Denver Post reported that Tulowitzki was headed to Philadelphia to visit with Dr. William Meyers, a surgeon who specializes in sports injuries. That explains why he's on the east coast. But the fact that he made time to visit New York, and, more specifically, Yankee Stadium, is notable.

Naturally, just the sight of an active major league player attending another game while his current team plays in another city had people buzzing. It also had them fantasizing about what could soon be a reality — Troy Tulowitzki in Yankees' pinstripes.

We already know of Tulowitzki's interest in playing in New York and being the man who follows his boyhood hero, Derek Jeter, Yankees shortstop. Could he be cementing that sentiment with his appearance at Yankee Stadium? Is it a direct shot at the Rockies for flubbing his name on a giveaway jersey Saturday night? Or is it as simple as watching Jeter play one final time at Yankee Stadium?

Here's what Tulowitzki told the Denver Post on Sunday:

“It’s a short drive from Philly. I’m with my family. I wanted to see (Derek) Jeter play one more time.”

Simple enough.

Of course, Yahoo's Jeff Passan also has a theory.

Tulowitzki is a smart guy, so there's no doubt he understood what being seen at Yankee Stadium would mean.

The Yankees are pretty smart, too. When Tulowitzki was shown on the Yankees broadcast, it appeared he was receiving VIP treatment.

Well, the seats were good at least. He was seated field level in the second row. It's unclear whether the Yankees actually rolled out the red carpet, but that wouldn't be surprising, either. They know how to make a player feel welcome.

Now, it will be interesting to see if the Rockies feel like their hand has been forced by Tulowitzki's actions. An in-season trade remains unlikely due to his injury, but something may be brewing for the offseason. And remember, Tulowitzki does not have a no-trade clause, so a move to New York isn't foregone conclusion even if they move him.

The plot thickens.

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Mark Townsend

is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at or follow him on Twitter!