• Yahoo TV UK

    Denise Van Outen 'too busy' for a boyfriend

    Appearing on Lorraine, the Celebrity Gogglebox star admitted she was nervous about being single after her last break up, but is now enjoying her own company.

  • Evening Standard

    When is Eid al-Adha in 2024? Muslim festival’s meaning and how it’s celebrated

    Islam’s Festival of Sacrifice is fast approaching. Here’s what happens and where to celebrate it in London

  • The Daily Beast

    King Charles’ New Insignia Delayed Over Bizarre Spying Fears

    LONDON—British soldiers are still wearing cap badges from the era of the late Queen Elizabeth II because of fears that the Chinese manufacturers might bug new King Charles-branded badges.A report in the Financial Times said that British authorities have pressed pause on the delivery of the new insignias, designed to be worn on soldiers’ berets, over fears that some of the components manufactured in China could have been fitted with tiny tracking devices.The security concerns explain the riddle o