• Reuters

    Von der Leyen set for second term as European Commission chief

    Ursula von der Leyen was expected to secure informal backing on Monday for a second term as president of the European Commission, which sets the EU agenda with legislative proposals, trade investigations and competition adjudication. Born in Brussels and the mother of seven children, she has chosen to live in a small flat next to her office on the 13th floor of the Commission's Berlaymont headquarters to avoid the Belgian capital's traffic. After securing a narrow majority in the European Parliament, without the backing of the Greens, her Commission launched the Green Deal in December 2019.

  • Reuters

    Canada holds off on sending military trainers back to Ukraine

    Canada does not think the time is right to send military trainers back to Ukraine, given hesitation among NATO allies about such a step, Defence Minister Bill Blair said on Monday. Blair spoke to reporters after attending a NATO summit which agreed the alliance would assume a greater role in coordinating arms supplies to Ukraine.

  • The Canadian Press

    EU leaders are weighing nominees for the bloc's top jobs after an election shakeup

    BRUSSELS (AP) — Leaders of European Union countries on Monday praised the record of the bloc's chief executive, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, as she appeared on track to secure their endorsement later this month for a second term in office.