Atlanta Falcons

Atlanta Falcons

Ā |Ā 8-9
  • Passing Yards
    239.3 PYPG
  • Rushing Yards
    130.5 RYPG
  • Total Yards Per Game
    369.8 YPG
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR David Sills to future contracts for 2025 season.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL LaCale London to future contract for 2025 season.)
CSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed C Matthew Cindric to future contracts for 2025 season.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Philip Dorsett to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OTSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OL Joey Fisher to future contracts for 2025 season.)
RBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed RB Elijah Dotson to future contracts for 2025 season.)
TSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OT Tyrone Wheatley Jr. to future contracts for 2025 season.)
SSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed SAF Benny Sapp to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OLBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OLB Khalid Kareem to future contracts for 2025 season.)
OLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OL Jovaughn Gwyn to future contracts for 2025 season.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Lamar Jackson to future contracts for 2025 season.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Jesse Matthews to future contracts for 2025 season.)
DTSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DT Junior Aho to future contracts for 2025 season.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Makai Polk to future contracts for 2025 season.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Dylan Drummond to future contracts for 2025 season.)
QBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed QB Emory Jones to future contracts for 2025 season.)
TActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated T Tyrone Wheatley to the active roster.)
CBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated CB Lamar Jackson to the active roster from the practice squad.)
TPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned T Tyrone Wheatley to the practice squad.)
CBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned CB Lamar Jackson to the practice squad.)
LBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed ILB Josh Woods to the active roster from the practice squad.)
CBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed DB Antonio Hamilton Sr. on IR.)
TActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated OT Tyrone Wheatley Jr. to the active roster from the practice squad.)
CBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated CB Lamar Jackson to the active roster from the practice squad.)
OLClaimed (The San Francisco 49ers claimed OL Matt Hennessy of the Atlanta Falcons practice squad.) To
QBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed QB Emory Jones to the practice squad.)
LBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Rashaan Evans to the practice squad.)
DTPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Kyler Baugh to the practice squad.)
LBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released LB Rashaan Evans.)
WRActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated WR Dylan Drummond to the active roster from the practice squad.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Chris Blair to the active roster from the practice squad.)
KPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed K Younghoe Koo on the IR.)
KReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released K Tanner Brown.)
KSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed K Riley Patterson off the Cleveland Browns practice squad.) From
LBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned LB Josh Woods to the practice squad.)
LBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated LB Josh Woods to the active roster.)
LBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed LB Troy Andersen on the IR.)
DTActivated (The Atlanta Falcons activated DT Ruke Orhorhoro from the IRD.)
KPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed K Tanner Brown to the practice squad.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Jakeem Grant.)
WRPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Jakeem Grant to the practice squad.)
RBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed RB Carlos Washington Jr. to the active roster from the practice squad.)
RBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed RB Jase McClellan on IR.)
SPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed SAF Benny Sapp II to the practice squad.)
SReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released SAF Dane Cruikshank.)
WRActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated WR Chris Blair to the active roster from the practice squad.)
SPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed SAF Dane Cruikshank to the practice squad.)
DTPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Atlanta Falcons placed DT Ruke Orhorhoro on IRD.)
LBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released LB Riley Patterson.)
KReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released K Riley Patterson.)
RBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed RB Elijah Dotson to the practice squad.)
KActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated K Riley Patterson to the active roster from the practice squad.)
SReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released SAF Dane Cruikshank.)
KPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed K Riley Patterson to the practice squad.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Demone Harris to the active roster from the practice squad.)
OLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL Jovaughn Gwyn.)
LBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Tyreek Maddox-Williams to the practice squad.)
SPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned S Dane Cruikshank to the practice squad.)
OLBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned OLB Khalid Kareem to the practice squad.)
OLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed C Matt Hennessy to the practice squad.)
SActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated SAF Dane Cruikshank to the active roster.)
OLBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons activated OLB Lorenzo Carter from the IRD.)
OLActivated (The Atlanta Falcons activated OL Drew Dalman from the IRD.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Natrone Brooks to the active roster.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Jakeem Grant.)
OLBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated OLB Khalid Kareem to the active roster.)
OLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL Matt Hennessy.)
OLBPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Atlanta Falcons placed OLB Lorenzo Carter on IRD.)
WRPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Jakeem Grant to the practice squad.)
LBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released LB Tyreek Maddox-Williams.)
WRPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned WR Chris Blair to the practice squad.)
CBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed DB Lamar Jackson to the practice squad.)
OLBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned OLB Khalid Kareem to the practice squad.)
OLBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated DE Khalid Kareem to the active roster.)
WRActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated WR Chris Blair to the active roster.)
CBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated CB Natrone Brooks to the active roster.)
DLActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated DL Demone Harris to the active roster)
DTPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed DT Ruke Orhorhoro on IR.)
LBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Rashaan Evans.)
CReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released C Matthew Cindric.)
OLPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Atlanta Falcons placed OL Drew Dalman on IRD.)
LBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Tyreek Maddox-Williams to the practice squad.)
DLPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned DL Demone Harris to the practice squad.)
CBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated CB Natrone Brooks to the active roster.)
DLActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated DL Demone Harris to the active roster.)
WRPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Phillip Dorsett to the practice squad.)
LBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Rashaan Evans to the practice squad.)
TReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released T Coy Cronk.)
DLPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned DL Demone Harris to the practice squad.)
LBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released LB Milo Eifler.)
TPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed T Tyrone Wheatley Jr. to the practice squad.)
OLBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OLB Monty Rice.)
CBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned CB Natrone Brooks to the practice squad.)
OLBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed OLB Lorenzo Carter on IR.)
DLActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated DL Demone Harris to the active roster from the practice squad.)
CBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated CB Natrone Brooks to the active roster from the practice squad.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Kevin King to the active roster from the practice squad.)
TPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed T Coy Cronk to the practice squad.)
OLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OL Matt Hennessy to the active roster.)
SPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed SAF Dane Cruikshank to the practice squad.)
SPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed SAF Micah Abernathy on the IR.)
OLPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned OL Matt Hennessy to the practice squad.)
CBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned CB Kevin King to the practice squad.)
OLActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated OL Matt Hennessy to the active roster.)
CBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Kevin King to the practice squad.)
CBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated CB Kevin King to the active roster.)
LBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released LB Rashaan Evans.)
LBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons activated LB Nate Landman from the IRD.)
CBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released CB Kevin King.)
TEClaimed (The Green Bay Packers claimed TE John FitzPatrick from the Atlanta Falcons practice squad.) To
CPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed OL Matt Cindric to the practice squad.)
OTClaimed (The Cincinnati Bengals claimed OL Andrew Stueber from the Atlanta Falcons practice squad.) To
LBPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Atlanta Falcons placed LB Nate Landman on IRD.)
TEPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed TE Armani Rogers to the practice squad.)
LBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated LB Josh Woods to the active roster from the practice squad.)
OLActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated OL Matt Hennessy to the active roster from the practice squad.)
DTClaimed (The Buffalo Bills claimed DT Zion Logue from the Atlanta Falcons practice squad.) To
SReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released SAF Dane Cruikshank.)
OLPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons assigned OL Matt Hennessy to the practice squad.)
LBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Rashaan Evans to the practice squad.)
OLActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated OL Matt Hennessy from the practice squad.)
OLPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed OL Matt Hennessy to the practice squad.)
OLActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated OL Elijah Wilkinson to the active roster from the practice squad.)
OLPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed OL Drew Dalman on IR.)
LBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Josh Woods to the practice squad.)
SPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed SAF Dane Cruikshank to the practice squad.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Kevin King to the active roster.)
LBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed LB Nate Landman on the IR.)
SActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated SAF Dane Cruikshank from the practice squad.)
OTSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OT Brandon Parker.)
WRActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated WR Chris Blair to the active roster from the practice squad.)
CBActivated (The Atlanta Falcons elevated CB Kevin King to the active roster from the practice squad.)
SReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released S Josh Thompson.)
QBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed QB Nathan Peterman to the practice squad.)
TReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL JuliƩn Davenport.)
SPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed S Josh Thompson on IR.)
OLBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OLB Monty Rice to the practice squad.)
OLBPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Khalid Kareem to the practice squad.)
OLPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed OL Elijah Wilkinson to the practice squad.)
RBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed RB Carlos Washington Jr. to the practice squad.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Kenny Oginni to the practice squad.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Kevin King to the practice squad.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Demone Harris to the practice squad.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Natrone Brooks to the practice squad.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL LaCale London to the practice squad.)
WRPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Jesse Matthews to the practice squad.)
OTPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed OL Andrew Stueber to the practice squad.)
QBTraded (The Atlanta Falcons traded QB Taylor Heinicke to the Los Angeles Chargers.) To
TPract. squad add (The Atlanta Falcons signed T Julien Davenport to the practice squad.)
SSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed S Dane Cruikshank to the practice squad.)
DTSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DT Zion Logue to the practice squad.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Dylan Drummond to the practice squad.)
TESigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed TE John FitzPatrick to the practice squad.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Chris Blair to the practice squad.)
CBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released CB Kevin King.)
SReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released S Dane Cruikshank.)
DTReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released DT Zion Logue.)
SWaived Injury (The Atlanta Falcons waived S Josh Thompson due to injury.)
LBWaived Injury (The Atlanta Falcons waived LB Milo Eifler due to injury.)
DTReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released DT Prince Emili.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Chris Blair.)
RBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released RB Carlos Washington Jr.)
CBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released CB Natrone Brooks.)
DTWaived (The Atlanta Falcons waived DL Tommy Togiai.)
RBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released RB Spencer Brown.)
TReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released T Julien Davenport.)
DLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released DL Demone Harris.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Dylan Drummond.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR OJ Hiliare.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Jesse Matthews.)
DLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released DL LaCale London.)
CBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released CB Jayden Price.)
CBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released CB Anthony Johnson.)
SPlaced on Injured Reserve, Designated for Return (The Atlanta Falcons placed S DeMarcco Hellams in IRD.)
SReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released S Tre Tarpley III.)
DLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released DL Kehinde Oginni.)
OTReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL Andrew Stueber.)
TEReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released TE John FitzPatrick.)
OLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL Barry Wesley.)
CBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released CB Trey Vaval.)
CBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released CB William Hooper.)
TEReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released TE Austin Stogner.)
DLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OLB Bradlee Anae.)
OLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL Zack Bailey.)
SReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released S Lukas Denis.)
QBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released QB John Paddock.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Josh Ali.)
LBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released LB Donavan Mutin.)
OLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL John Leglue.)
OLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL Jaryd Jones-Smith.)
LBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released LB Storey Jackson.)
TEReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released TE Jordan Thomas.)
WRWaived Injury (The Atlanta Falcons waived WR Jakeem Grant due to injury.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR James Washington.)
SSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed S Justin Simmons.)
WRPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed WR Jakeem Grant on IR.)
OLBTraded (The New England Patriots traded LB Matthew Judon to the Atlanta Falcons.) From
PReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released P Ryan Sanborn.)
LBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed LB Storey Jackson.)
RBPlaced on PUPL (The Atlanta Falcons placed RB Robert Burns on Physically unable to perform list.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Austin Mack.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB William Hooper.)
SSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DB Josh Thompson.)
RBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released RB Robert Burns.)
QBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed QB John Paddock.)
DBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed CB Harrison Hand on IR.)
OLBPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed OLB Bralen Trice on IR.)
QBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released QB Nathan Rourke.)
RBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed RB Spencer Brown.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Jakeem Grant Sr.)
OLDeclared Free Agent (OL Ethan Greenidge elected free agency.)
PSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed P Ryan Sanborn.)
WRPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed WR Rondale Moore on IR.)
QBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons siged QB Nathan Rourke.)
QBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released QB John Paddock.)
TESigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed TE Jordan Thomas.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Daylen Baldwin.)
OLRetired (The Atlanta Falcons OL Tyler Vrabel retired from the NFL.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR Isaiah Wooden.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR James Washington.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Jesse Matthews.)
RBPlaced on PUPL (The Atlanta Falcons placed RB Robert Burns on the Physically Unable to Perform list.)
OLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed T Zack Bailey.)
PWaived (The Atlanta Falcons waived P Ryan Sanborn.)
CWaived (The Atlanta Falcons waived OT Ryan Coll.)
TSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed T JuliƩn Davenport.)
DLWaived (The Atlanta Falcons waived DT Willington Previlon.)
OLWaived (The Atlanta Falcons waived OT Nolan Potter.)
DTSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DT Prince Emili.)
OLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed T Jaryd Jones-Smith.)
LBDeclared Free Agent (LB Andre Smith declared free agency.)
CBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released CB Anthony Sao.)
DBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DB Harrison Hand.)
WRReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released WR JaQuae Jackson.)
OTSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OL Andrew Stueber.)
QBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed QB Michael Penix.)
TEReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released TE Tucker Fisk.)
DTSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DT Brandon Dorlus.)
TEPlaced on Injured Reserve (The Atlanta Falcons placed TE Tucker Fisk on IR.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Odieu Hiliare.)
TEWaived Injury (The Atlanta Falcons waived TE Tucker Fisk.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Daylen Baldwin.)
OLBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OLB Bralen Trice.)
OLBReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OLB Ade Ogundeji.)
DTSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DT Ruke Orhorhoro.)
TESigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed TE Ross Dwelley.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Bradlee Anae.)
SSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DB Dane Cruikshank.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Kehinde Oginni Hassan.)
TWaived Injury (The Atlanta Falcons waived T Ryan Swoboda.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Philip Ossai.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Cole Beck.)
TESigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed TE Austin Stogner.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Jayden Price.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Anthony Sao.)
QBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed QB John Paddock.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR JaQuae Jackson.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Isaiah Wooden.)
CSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed OT Ryan Coll.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Trey Vaval.)
PSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed P Ryan Sanborn.)
QBDeclared Free Agent (QB Logan Whiteside elected free agency.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DE James Smith-Williams.)
CBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed CB Kevin King.)
DLSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed DL Eddie Goldman.)
DLReleased (The Atlanta Flacons released DL Ikenna Enechukwu.)
OLReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released OL Justin Shaffer.)
RBDeclared Free Agent (RB Cordarrelle Patterson elected free agency.)
WRDeclared Free Agent (WR Van Jefferson elected free agency.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Ray-Ray McCloud.)
WRTraded (The Arizona Cardinals traded WR Rondale Moore to the Atlanta Falcons.) From
QBTraded (The Atlanta Falcons traded QB Desmond Ridder to the Arizona Cardinals.) To
WRDeclared Free Agent (Atlanta Falcons WR Mack Hollins declared free agency.)
OLDeclared Free Agent (OL Matt Hennessy elected free agency.)
WRSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed WR Darnell Mooney.)
CBDeclared Free Agent (CB Jeff Okudah elected free agency.)
TESigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed TE Charlie Woerner.)
QBSigned (The Atlanta Falcons signed QB Kirk Cousins.)
TEReleased (The Atlanta Falcons released TE Jonnu Smith.)