• Thomson Reuters StreetEvents

    Q1 2024 Kroger Co Earnings Call

    Q1 2024 Kroger Co Earnings Call

  • Reuters

    Rohingya may have entered Bangladesh in recent Myanmar clashes, refugee official says

    Escalating violence in Myanmar's western Rakhine state in recent months may have spurred some Rohingya Muslims to cross into Bangladesh, a key refugee official said, although Dhaka insists it cannot accept more refugees from its war-torn neighbour. Rohingya have faced persecution in Buddhist-majority Myanmar for decades, with large numbers fleeing to Bangladesh from Rakhine in 2017, following a military-led crackdown on the minority community. Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, the Bangladesh official tasked with refugee relief and repatriation, said his office had received reports of Rohingya crossing over to swell the figure of nearly a million housed in refugee camps in the Cox's Bazar area.

  • Local Journalism Initiative

    Teachers Participate in Grad 2024

    The cancellation of work-to-rule sanctions effective 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 14, meant that teachers could participate and celebrate with the 2024 graduating class at Wakaw that evening. Saskatchewan Teachers Federation President, Samantha Becotte, announced early Friday afternoon, “Our consultation with members indicates that teachers see binding arbitration as the best path to an agreement that will take steps to address class complexity and also provide students, families, and teachers with