• The Canadian Press

    Man detained in Romania's capital after allegedly attacking Israeli embassy with Molotov cocktail

    BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — A foreign citizen was detained in Romania’s capital on Monday after allegedly attacking the entrance of the Israeli Embassy with a Molotov cocktail, causing a small fire but no casualties, local media and police reported.

  • The Canadian Press

    Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat, says she has pancreatic cancer

    HOUSTON (AP) — Longtime U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee announced that she has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is undergoing treatment.

  • Reuters

    Analysis-Mexico's next president will have to boost tax take to pay for social programs

    Mexican president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum will face the unenviable task of making good on campaign promises to boost social programs even after an election-year spending binge by her predecessor lifted the budget deficit to its highest since the 1980s. After winning investors' confidence with tight spending policies for most of his term, leftist President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador loosened the purse strings in his final year in office to finish flagship infrastructure projects and cover a surge in welfare programs for Mexico's poor. Those moves will force Sheinbaum's incoming administration to either hold the line on spending, or risk a hit to Mexico's creditworthiness.