• Reuters

    Japan imposes new fees on Mount Fuji climbers to limit tourists

    Park rangers on Japan's sacred Mount Fuji officially started this year's climbing season about 90 minutes before sunrise on Monday, levying new trail fees and limiting hiker numbers to curb overcrowding. At 3 a.m., officials opened a newly installed gate at a station placed just over halfway up the 3,776-meter (12,388-ft) peak that is a symbol of Japan and a magnet for tourists, now swarming into the country at a record pace. "I think Mount Fuji will be very happy if everyone is more conscious about the environment and things like taking rubbish home with them," said Sachiko Kan, 61, who was one of about 1,200 hikers gathered on the first day of the new measures.

  • The Canadian Press

    Boeing announces purchase of Spirit AeroSystems for $4.7 billion in stock

    ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) — Boeing announced plans to aquire Spirit AeroSystems for $4.7 billion in an all-stock transaction for the manufacturing firm, which already was part of the aerospace company's manufacturing chain.

  • The Canadian Press

    Japan revises economic growth in 1Q downward, as latest data show sluggish demand and rising prices

    BANGKOK (AP) — Japan revised its earlier estimates to show that its economy contracted at a 2.9% annual pace in the first quarter of the year, as meanwhile a survey by the central bank released Monday showed conditions remain sluggish.