• Reuters

    Archeologists find ruins of 4,000 year-old temple in Peru

    A team of archeologists have discovered the ruins of what appears to be a 4,000-year-old ceremonial temple buried in a sand dune of northern Peru, alongside skeletal human remains which may have been offerings for religious rituals. The ruins were discovered in the sandy desert district of Zana, in the South American country's Lambayeque region, a short stretch from the Pacific Ocean and some 780 km (484 miles) north of the capital Lima. "We are still waiting for radio-carbon dating to confirm the date, but the evidence suggests this religious construction could be part of a religious tradition of temples built on Peru's northern coast during that period," said Luis Muro, an archeologist from Peru's Pontifical Catholic University who led the research.

  • BBC

    SNP loses 'damaging' 38 seats so far as final result delayed

    The first minister says his party has "soul searching" to do after a series of losses to Labour.

  • BBC

    Scottish Labour leader hails 'historic day' after dramatic wins

    The party has so far won 37 seats - a gain of 36 - with one seat still to be declared due to a recount delay.