• The State

    Struggling with budget, Midlands city weighs layoffs, hundreds in tax, fee hikes

    With federal rescue funds gone and expenses increasing, Cayce is having difficulty balancing its budget. Without raising taxes and fees, it could fail to keep up with its debts.

  • South China Morning Post

    Chinese teen in Alibaba maths finals sparks awe, controversy after beating MIT students

    Alibaba Group Holding's annual global maths contest finished on Saturday with all eyes on a 17-year-old vocational school student who has bested hundreds of competitors from prestigious universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and Tsinghua University, generating intense interest and speculation online. The Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition, which has been hosted by Alibaba's Damo Academy annually for the past six years, except 2019, held the finals

  • South China Morning Post

    Hong Kong a unique proving ground for DeFi, metaverse, HKIMR studies show

    Hong Kong possesses unique competitive advantages to develop decentralised finance (DeFi) and the metaverse as these blockchain technologies continue to evolve, according to two surveys by a government-backed body. The city's advantages, based on surveys on DeFi and the metaverse with financial institutions, include a well-defined legal and regulatory framework, business-friendly environment, robust financial infrastructure and network, and highly skilled talent. The emerging DeFi and metaverse