• Reuters

    Spanish supervisor starts processing BBVA's application for $13 billion Sabadell deal

    The Spanish stock market supervisor said on Tuesday it had admitted BBVA's application for authorising its 12.28 billion euro ($13.19 billion) hostile takeover bid for Sabadell, a potential tie-up that Madrid opposes. The admission of the application by National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) is part of its regulatory process for approving deals. "The admission for processing of the application does not imply any type of pronouncement on the decision concerning the authorisation of the takeover bid," the supervisor said in a statement.

  • Local Journalism Initiative

    Bay Roberts Town Hall too slow, says Bowering

    Councillor Perry Bowering is again raising concerns about how long it takes staff with the Town of Bay Roberts to respond to inquiries. Under council’s new committee of the whole structure, which replaced the previous system of separate committees for each department, Bowering is the “topic lead” for public works making him a de facto chairman for issues affecting that department. As such, he gets many of the inquiries that come in from residents, which gives him an idea of the Town’s response t

  • Associated Press

    US Coast Guard says ship with cracked hull likely didn't strike anything in Lake Superior

    A ship that took on water in Lake Superior likely had a stress fracture in its hull, the U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday, backing off an initial report that the freighter had struck something below the surface last weekend. “That would have been very peculiar,” said Lt. Joe Snyder at the Coast Guard post in Sault Ste. The ship was in the northwest part of Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area.