• The Telegraph

    Trump thanks Boris Johnson for denouncing conviction as ‘mob-style hit job’

    Donald Trump has publicly thanked Boris Johnson after the former prime minister denounced his conviction as a “mob-style hit job”.

  • Reuters

    Israeli presumed among Hamas hostages found dead near Gaza

    An Israeli who went missing during the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas-led Palestinian gunmen and was presumed to have been taken hostage has been found dead in the border village where he lived, Israeli media said on Monday. After what it described as lengthy forensics, Israel's military confirmed the identification of the remains of Dolev Yehoud, whose surname has also been spelled Yehud in English. A military statement said Yehoud, a 35-year-old volunteer medic, was among dozens of residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz killed in the Oct. 7 rampage in which many homes burned to the ground.

  • Associated Press

    Remembering D-Day, RAF veteran Gilbert Clarke recalls the thrill of planes overhead

    Gilbert Clarke leans back on the seat of his mobility scooter, cranes his neck and gazes into the bright blue skies over East London, remembering the moment 80 years ago when he knew the invasion of France was under way. Clarke, then an 18-year-old Royal Air Force volunteer from Jamaica, was still a trainee learning about the intricacies of radar systems when the roar of aircraft engines forced him to look to the heavens on June 6, 1944. “You couldn’t have seen the blue sky,” Clarke recalled, his voice tinged with awe eight decades later.