• Yahoo TV UK

    Moment Hugh Bonneville realised he could never be Doctor Who

    The Paddington star speaks to Yahoo UK about how impressive Matt Smith was while filming The Curse of the Black Spot during his tenure as the Eleventh Doctor.

  • Cover Media

    Diplo sued for unlawful dissemination of explicit content

    An unnamed woman has alleged the music producer distributed her intimate images and videos, in a lawsuit filed in California on Thursday. The woman, referred to in the filing as Jane Doe, alleged she began an intimate relationship with Diplo - whose real name is Thomas Wesley Pentz - in June 2016. She alleged their relationship continued until October 2023. In November 2023, the woman alleged, she learned Diplo, 45, had distributed images and videos of their sexual interactions, without her consent.

  • Reuters

    Trump Media shares climb after Biden's shaky debate showing against Trump

    Biden delivered a shaky, halting performance while Trump battered him with a series of often false attacks at the debate on Thursday, as the two oldest presidential candidates ever exchanged personal insults ahead of the November election. "Investors are probably going to give Trump the benefit of the doubt given how positive he was for markets in his presidency," said Ben Laidler, global markets strategist at digital brokerage eToro. "If you're looking for a real-time proxy of investor expectations for the result in November, they're (Trump stocks) telling you that Trump is in pole position for this election, and he's cemented his perceived lead last night."