• The Telegraph

    Sending birthday cards to colleagues could count as harassment

    Sending a card to a colleague who has said they do not want their birthday celebrated could count as harassment, an employment tribunal has ruled.

  • Associated Press

    Supreme Court overturns ex-mayor’s bribery conviction, narrowing scope of public corruption law

    The Supreme Court overturned the bribery conviction of a former Indiana mayor on Wednesday in an opinion that narrows the scope of public corruption law. The high court sided 6-3 with James Snyder, who was convicted of taking $13,000 from a trucking company after prosecutors said he steered about $1 million worth of city contracts their way. The Justice Department countered that the law was clearly meant to cover gifts “corruptly” given to public officials as rewards for favored treatment.

  • Cover Media

    Australian Reptile Park Welcomes New Generation Of Adorable Koala Joeys

    The Australian Reptile Park is celebrating the arrival of five adorable koala joeys. In recent weeks, the Mammals team at the park has noticed tiny hands, feet, and fluffy little ears popping out of the pouches. Soon enough, the cute joeys began poking their heads out to take in their surroundings. One brave joey fully emerged, marking the first complete joey sighting of the season. Keepers have named this 6-month-old male joey “Pedro”. With five joeys confirmed so far, there is potential for a few more, as some females paired later in the season are showing signs of growing pouches. This could lead to a record season once final numbers are confirmed in a few months. Proud to be an active supporter of wildlife conservation, the Australian Reptile Park continues to breed their koalas to help boost population numbers for the endangered species and educate Australians about koalas. The wildlife park, located on the Central Coast of New South Wales, also hopes this heightened awareness helps protect the species from extinction.