• Associated Press

    Fire at Thailand's famous Chatuchak Weekend Market kills hundreds of caged animals

    Hundreds of caged animals died Tuesday after a fire struck Chatuchak Weekend Market, one of the most famous markets in Thailand’s capital. Officials said it took them about an hour to bring the fire under control. There are no reports of human casualties, but Thai media reports suggested that the fire killed several hundred animals, including puppies, fish, snakes, birds and rabbits, kept in cages and locked inside the shops.

  • The Telegraph

    Labour plotting wave of tax raids drawn up by IMF, claims senior Tory

    Labour is plotting a series of tax raids on homeowners, drivers and pensioners based on recommendations drawn up by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an influential Tory has claimed.

  • The Telegraph

    Clare Mosley is right – we should be applauding risk-takers like Michael

    The line that really got me in Clare Mosley’s perfect tribute to her husband Michael, whose body was found after an agonising five-day search, was this: “Michael was an adventurous man, it’s part of what made him so special.” Her acceptance of his adventurous spirit at a moment of profound loss spoke of a deep love and understanding of the man she had been married to for 37 years.