• The Independent

    WHO issues warning about fake weight loss and diabetes drugs

    Three fake batches under the brand name Ozempic were detected in the UK, Brazil and the United States last year

  • Reuters

    Spain starts closing Franco sympathisers' foundation

    Spain's government has begun closing down the Francisco Franco foundation, a non-profit organisation set up by sympathisers of the late dictator, Culture Minister Ernest Urtasun said on Thursday. The "democratic memory" law approved in 2022 by Spain's Socialist government prohibits any organisation that is seen to glorify or promote the 1939-1975 Franco regime. A judge will make the final ruling on closing the National Francisco Franco Foundation, the Culture Ministry said in a statement.

  • Associated Press Finance

    Mike Pence's foundation launches a $10 million election-year campaign to preserve Trump-era tax cuts

    Former Vice President Mike Pence’s foundation is launching a $10 million campaign to preserve the Trump-era tax cuts that are set to expire after next year as he presses conservatives not to stray from the fight before the November election. Advancing American Freedom released a 13-page blueprint Thursday with arguments being made to Capitol Hill and to voters in swing states, particularly in those that could decide control of the Senate. The group envisions a lengthy campaign that will spin into 2025 when the White House and Congress will have to decide whether to keep the tax code as approved in the 2017 tax law when Republican Donald Trump was president or make adjustments.