• The Telegraph

    Euro 2024 sweepstake kit: Download and print yours here

    The 17th edition of Uefa’s European Football Championship, commonly referred to as Euro 2024, begins today.

  • The Daily Beast

    One-Two Punch From the Skies Is a Massive Blow to Putin

    Ukraine’s military has spent the last two years chronically short of planes. Its prewar stocks were already small in number and mostly dated from the Soviet era. When NATO and other countries sent help, they focused on either sending the same older models or keeping existing aircraft in the air through maintenance and spare parts. Russia, meanwhile, has a larger and often more advanced air force.However, new planes are on the way to help Ukraine. For nearly a year, countries like the Netherlands

  • KameraOne

    Massen-Raubüberfall: 20 Kriminelle stürmen in Juweliergeschäft in Kalifornien

    Schockierende Aufnahmen einer Überwachungskamera in Sunnyvale im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien: Knapp zwei Dutzend Kriminelle stürmten in ein Juweliergeschäft und machten sich mit der Beute davon. Fünf Verdächtige konnten verhaftet werden.