• Yahoo News UK

    Reform manifesto live: Nigel Farage ‘absolutely’ wants to stand for PM in 2029

    Reform UK leader Farage will unveil his party's manifesto - which he is calling a 'contract with the people' - later today.

  • Local Journalism Initiative

    Enrolment projected to drop in SD8 for next school year: report

    Enrolment and funding are dropping in the school district but school trustees will be receiving a raise, according to the district’s secretary treasurer. Cathy MacArthur said the enrolment projections for the next school year in School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) show a drop of 70 students (from 4,702) based on early projections. This is a projected decline of 70.4375 full-time equivalent (FTE) students which is predominantly made up of regular Kindergarten to Grade 12 school enrolments, said

  • The Telegraph

    UK E. coli outbreak: What are the symptoms and how does it spread?

    Stomach bugs are always unpleasant, leading to days of tummy problems that can leave you housebound. While the cause is rarely clear, thousands of cases in the UK every year are a result of eating food that has been contaminated with E. coli.