New Jersey Devils

New Jersey Devils

 | 0-0
  • Goals For
    264 GF
  • Goals Against
    281 GA
  • Power Play %
    22.4 PP%
  • Penalty Kill %
    80.7 PK%
  • Penalty Mins
    747 PIM
DSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed D Santeri Hatakka to a one-year, two-way contract.)
RWSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed F Cam Squires to a three-year, entry-level contract.)
LWSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed F Adam Beckman to a one-year, two-way contract.)
LWSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed F Tomas Tatar to a standard contract.)
DSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed D Brenden Dillon to a standard contract.)
RWSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed F Mike Hardman to a two-way contract.)
DSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed D Brett Pesce to a standard contract.)
DSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed D Colton White.)
RWSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed F Stefan Noesen to a standard contract.)
CBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (F Michael McLeod elected free agency.)
DTraded (The Mintreal Canadiens traded D Johnathan Kovacevic to the New Jersey Devils.) From
GBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (G Kaapo Kahkonen elected free agency.)
LWBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (F Tomas Nosek elected free agency.)
DBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (D Brendan Smith elected free agency.)
RWTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded F Alexander Holtz to the Vegas Golden Knights) To
GTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded G Akira Schmid to the Vegas Golden Knights) To
CDrafted (The New Jersey Devils drafted C Max Graham)
DBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (D Tyler Wotherspoon elected free agency.)
CBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (F Chris Tierney elected free agency.)
DTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded D John Marino to the Utah Hockey Club) To
CTraded (The Vegas Golden Knights traded F Paul Cotter to the New Jersey Devils.) From
GBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (G Keith Kinkaid elected free agency.)
GDrafted (The New Jersey Devils drafted G Veeti Louhivaara)
CBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (F Kyle Criscuolo elected free agency.)
RWDrafted (The New Jersey Devils drafted RW Herman Traff)
GDrafted (The New Jersey Devils drafted G Mikhail Yegorov)
GBecame Unrestricted Free Agent (G Erik Kallgren elected free agency.)
RWDrafted (The New Jersey Devils drafted RW Kasper Pikkarainen)
CDrafted (The New Jersey Devils drafted C Matyas Melovsky)
DDrafted (The New Jersey Devils drafted D Anton Silayev)
DSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed D Nick DeSimone.)
LWTraded (The Minnesota Wild traded F Adam Beckman to the New Jersey Devils.)
LWTraded (The Minnesota Wild traded F Adam Beckman to the New Jersey Devils.)
RWTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded F Graeme Clarke to the Minnesota Wild.) To
DTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded D Kevin Bahl to the Calgary Flames.) To
GTraded (The Calgary Flames traded G Jacob Markstrom to the New Jersey Devils.) From
DContract extended (The New Jersey Devils signed D Kurtis MacDermid to a three-year extension.)
LWRe-Signed (The New Jersey Devils re-signed F Samuel Laberge to a one-year, two-way contract.)
LWRe-Signed (The New Jersey Devils re-signed F Brian Halonen to a two-year, two-way contract.)
RWRe-Signed (The New Jersey Devils re-signed F Nathan Legare to a one-year, two-way contract.)
GSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed G Jakub Malek to a two-year, entry-level contract.)
CRe-Signed (The New Jersey Devils re-signed F Max Willman to a one-year, two-way contract.)
DSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed D Seamus Casey to a three-year, entry-level contract.)
CSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed F Ryan Schmelzer to a two-way deal.)
CSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed F Shane Bowers to a two-year, two-way contract. )
CSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils sent F Shane Bowers to the minors.)
RWSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils sent F Graeme Clarke to the minors.)
RWCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Graeme Clarke from the minors.)
GSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils sent G Akira Schmid to the minors.)
LWSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils sent F Brian Halonen to the minors.)
GCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled G Akira Schmid from the minors.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Shane Bowers from the minors.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Shane Bowers from the minors.)
CSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils sent F Max Willman to the minors.)
Sent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned F Dylan Wendt to the minors.)
DSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned D Santeri Hatakka to the minors.)
GSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned G Isaac Poulter to the minors.)
LWCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Brian Halonen from the minors.)
DSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned D Tyler Wotherspoon to the minors.)
GCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled G Isaac Poulter from the minors.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Max Willman from the minors.)
DCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled D Santeri Hatakka from the minors.)
DCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled D Tyler Wotherspoon from the minors.)
GSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils sent G Nico Daws to the minors.)
DSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils reassigned D Tyler Wotherspoon to the minors.)
CSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils reassigned F Max Willman to the minors.)
DSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils reassigned D Santeri Hatakka to the minors.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Max Willman from the minors.)
DCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled D Tyler Wotherspoon from the minors.)
DCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled D Santeri Hatakka from the minors.)
LWCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Nolan Foote from his conditioning loan with the minors.)
GTraded (The San Jose Sharks traded G Kaapo Kahkoken to the New Jersey Devils.) From
DTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded D Colin Miller to the Winnipeg Jets.) To
GSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned G Akira Schmid to the minors.)
GTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded G Vitek Vanecek to the San Jose Sharks.) To
GTraded (The Montreal Canadiens traded G Jake Allen to the New Jersey Devils.) From
RWTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded F Tyler Toffoli to the Winnipeg Jets.) To
DSigned (The New Jersey Devils signed D Mikael Diotte to an entry level contract.)
LWSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned F Brian Halonen to the minors.)
CTraded (The New Jersey Devils traded the signing rights of F Zakhar Bardakov to the Colorado Avalanche.) To
DTraded (The Colorado Avalanche traded D Kurtis MacDermid to the New Jersey Devils.) From
GSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned G Isaac Poulter to the minors.)
GCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled G Akira Schmid from the minors.)
RWPlaced on Injured Reserve (The New Jersey Devils placed F Nathan Bastian on Injured Reserve.)
LWCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Brian Halonen from the minors.)
GSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned G Akira Schmid to the minors.)
GCalled up from minors (Signed)
GCalled up from minors (Signed)
DActivated (The New Jersey Devils activated D Jonas Siegenthaler.)
GPlaced on Injured Reserve (The New Jersey Devils placed G Vitek Vanecek on injured reserve.)
DSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned D Santeri Hatakka to the minors.)
DActivated (The New Jersey Devils activated D Brendan Smith off Injured Reserve.)
GCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled G Akira Schmid from the minors.)
CWaived (The New Jersey Devils waived F Max Willman.)
CActivated (The New Jersey Devils activated F Jack Hughes.)
LWActivated (The New Jersey Devils activated F Tomas Nosek.)
DCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled D Santeri Hatakka from the minors.)
DSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned D Santeri Hatakka to the minors.)
CSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned F Justin Dowling to the minors.)
DSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned D Daniil Misyul to the minors.)
CGranted Leave of Absence (The New Jersey Devils added F Michael McLeod to the non-roster list.)
DGranted Leave of Absence (The New Jersey Devils placed D Cal Foote on the non-roster list.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Justin Dowling.)
DClaimed (The New Jersey Devils claimed D Nick DeSimone.)
DCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled D Daniil Misyul.)
CPlaced on Injured Reserve (The New Jersey Devils placed F Jack Hughes on injured reserve.)
DGranted Leave of Absence (D Cal Foote was granted a leave of absence from the team.)
CGranted Leave of Absence (F Michael McLeod was granted a leave of absence from the team.)
DCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled D Santeri Hatakka.)
DPlaced on Injured Reserve (The New Jersey Devils placed D Brendan Smith on injured reserve.)
CSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned F Shane Bowers to the minors.)
RWActivated (The New Jersey Devils activated F Timo Meier.)
DCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled D Cal Foote.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Max Willman from the minors.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Shane Bowers.)
DPlaced on Injured Reserve (The New Jersey Devils placed D Jonas Siegenthaler on injured reserve.)
CSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned F Max Willman to the minors.)
RWSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned F Graeme Clarke to the minors.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Max Willman from the minors.)
RWPlaced on Injured Reserve (The New Jersey Devils placed F Timo Meier on injured reserve.)
CCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Max Willman from the minors.)
RWCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled F Graeme Clarke.)
LWActivated (The New Jersey Devils activated F Brian Halonen from the Injured Reserve.)
LWSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils sent F Brian Halonen to the minors.)
GSent to minors (The New Jersey Devils assigned G Akira Schmid to the minors.)
GCalled up from minors (The New Jersey Devils recalled G Nico Daws.)