
5 Ways 'Scandal' Skewered Donald Trump

On Thursday's Scandal, the Olivia Pope battled against a Republican frontrunner that eerily resembled presidential candidate Donald Trump. The loudmouth character, Hollis Doyle, sported a whispy, orange receding hairline much like Donal Trump. The simliarities didn't end there. Hollis Doyle also spoke wildly without regard for who it might offend. He said, while addressing a rape allegation, "Hollis loves him some women and boy do women love them some Hollis. In all my years not one of them phillies ever needed an arm twist to roll in my hay." He also openly talked about the size other's private things. Regarding Fitz he said, "He's welcome on my island any time. So long as he keeps his drawers on. I don't want him waving his tiny flag around scaring all the natives." The character was also slow to disavow endorsements from the KKK. Perhaps the biggest similarity was Hollis Doyle's campaign slogan, "Dare to be great again," which is an amped up version of Trumps "Make America great again."