
The Libra New Moon Is Happening This Week—Here's What This Means

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The Libra new moon occurs on October 16th, during the height of Mercury retrograde. This means that you will have to face your past and make plans for the future at the same time, which will create a lot of tension within yourself and in partnerships.

Also, the Libra new moon will cease a T-square (a fraught connection that consists of one opposition and two squares between planets) in the cosmos with Mars retrograde in Aries and the Capricorn stellium (Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn). This will heighten passions, jealousies, and emotions. Choose kindness instead of drama throughout the day. It will save you a lot of tears.

Below is your Libra new moon horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.


You need to have some much-needed space away from your boo. The two of you have become super close (which is totally great and exciting), but you’re longing for some solo QT to focus on your needs and not theirs. They’ll understand if you tell them how you feel.


You’re bringing sexy back—if only for yourself and not anyone else. Embrace your sensual and vibrant nature without hesitation. Don’t be shy! Lean into the parts of yourself that make you feel beautiful and awesome. Give yourself a whole lotta extra love now to boost your confidence, Taurus.


After a long seasonal break, it’s time to get back in the romantic groove! Use your words to express your feels. Send a flirty text to your crush or boo to spark a passionate convo that will last all day. They’ll totally swoon over your lovely sentiments and cheeky words.


Although it may be nearly impossible, turn your iPhone off and ignore your work emails for a few hours today. Detaching from the outside noise will give you a few moments to destress and chill. It will also help you calm your anxieties throughout this energetically charged day.


Speak your truth, fearless lion! Don’t be afraid to assert your feelings and talk about your heartfelt emotions. To use the immortal words of fellow kitty cat Madonna, “express yourself” to step up your game.


You've been consumed with others lately (you have put your friends, S.O., and family ahead of yourself), which is making you feel taken for granted. It’s important that you use the new moon to honor the most important relationship of all: the one you have with yourself. Put yourself first.


It’s a wonderful time to reinvent yourself in some way, perhaps by changing your hairstyle or makeup. Don’t be scared to dye your hair a different color and to elevate your look. You may wind up loving it and choose to rock this new style for a very long time.


Taking time off from the daily grind will help recharge your internal batteries. Moving at your own pace through mundane tasks and resting throughout the day will help you to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. It will also spruce up your energy and vibe throughout the day.


Understanding boundaries with friends is gonna be super hard during this new moon—mostly because you’re the one who’s unable to adhere to the structure and limits in your relationships. A few words of advice: Resist the urge to over-text. Be cognizant of the amount of communication you send over.


Use this luminary as a chance to reflect on how you relate to your boss and colleagues. You may come to see that you need to connect deeper and initiate a better relationship with them. This is obtainable by cultivating more fun activities that engage your whole team at work.


Stretch your imagination and embrace your inventive notions. Take note of what you wish to create and manifest at the moment. Don’t be afraid to dream big now. Your fantasies and visions can become reality. Now is the best time to put your ideas to use and ignite your desires.


Stepping up your relationship with money will help you make lucrative and sound investments that will boost your bank account in the future. That’s right—you will have to do some serious accounting now. Looking deep into your money situation is key in planting the seeds for your financial well-being.