
CTVN - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #43

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Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. [ ] >> The situation is fraught, increasingly fraught and I'm afraid we're on the road to nowhere. >> Israeli airstrikes kill at least 35 in rafah after hamas launched rockets at tel aviv. >> Asked they take our demands seriously but not leaving until demands are met. >> Merella: pro- palestinian protesters are digging in despite the university's plan to seek an injunction. >> I'm going to go visit family in greece so the tickets were not that bad for me. >> Merella: tough economic times not stopping canadians from taking off on a vacation but their destination might surprise you. >>> Thanks for being with us I am marcia macmillan. We begin with israel-hamas war as palestinian officials say at least 35 people killed in a israeli airstrike designated for displaced palestinians and dozens more wounded israeli military says its air force struck a hamas compound in rafah and the strike was carried out against legitimate targets under international law. Idf says allegations of civilians harmed are under review. Now this comes after hamas launched a barrage of rockets to tel aviv romping sirens to sound off in the israeli city a number of rockets intercepted and no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

>>> Here at home, deadline to clear an encampment approaching at uoft as they issued a trespass notice to the protesters on friday say they plan to take legal steps if the encampment is not cleared out by monday morning and protesters calling on the school to cut ties with israel and divest with companies profiting off the war in gaza. The school made an offer to protesters on thursday and the deal was rejected. Sarah is a student and official spokesperson of the encampment and see the students plan to stand their ground despite looming legal action. >> University filing an injunction tomorrow morning because they want this gone. They want to shift the blame to call the police in a court order specifically calling the police on their own students and faculty and staff. People remain steadfast in our demands with the ongoing genocide of 40,000 plus people murdered, we are not willing to compromise again so wanting to approach the negotiating table in good faith we ask you take our demands seriously. But we will not be leaving until and unless the demands are actually met. >> Marcia: ctv's sean leathong standing by with more and what are you hearing from students taking part in the encampment? >> Reporter: we hear they are planning to stay and before the meeting, the two sides were very far apart. You can see over my right shoulder, and entrance to the encampment that's well controlled by the people running it. We have people tried to get in today and a couple standoffs and things get tense very quickly around here. I mentioned both sides are far apart and you mentioned the demands of divestment and the university to divest from any investment in any organization or company that could be funding the israeli military and weapons making. Also disclosure of any investments they may have and cutting ties with particular universities in israel. Their original offer laid out a framework where they could talk about things like divestment and disclosure but no actual commitment and say a hard note -- a hard know on cutting ties with any academic institutions so that's where they were so you mentioned that deadline at 8:00 tomorrow morning is the deadline and not exactly sure how a university will react. Told us they are going to court seeking an injunction. The team planning to meet in court the encampment says they are on the right side of this and they will actually win, not any legal framework to move in with the police but they are saying they acknowledge it is a risk. You take over my shoulder you see the encampment tonight is pretty peaceful with many gathering. We heard some singing a little while ago as people waiting to find out what happened. They don't seem optimistic about something tonight as long as the university going to the table, the encampment spokesperson say they're willing to negotiate in hopes of having a peaceful resolution but aware of other issues of those in edmonton and calgary where police brought in and the university say they don't want it yet people inside the encampment hearing what may happen as the steps by the university seems to be ratcheting up and we had that deadline coming up tomorrow and we know the encampment to be holding the rally tomorrow and we have unions coming and expecting the federation of labour joining them but what we don't know yet whether the police will be enjoining them as well. >> Marcia: thank you sean leathong.

>>> At least 35 people killed in rafah and an israeli airstrike after hamas wants to barrage of rockets at tel aviv for the first time in months. Joining me now to discuss is military expert and retired air force special operations manager. Good evening and thank you so much for joining us on this memorial day weekend. >> Thank you. And good to be with you. >> Marcia: after over seven months of war and massive destruction in gaza, are you surprised hamas has the capability to still launch rockets into israel? >> No, not exactly. When you look at the entire era area of gaza that there is about 600 tunnels and one of the ways hamas carried out these types of attacks over the years where they will move weapons and so forth through so this happened three weeks ago with launches from rafah and I believe the same thing that happened here with eight up to 10 missiles so unfortunately I wish they didn't have the capability and one reason why benjamin netanyahu is continuing this effort. >> Marcia: where were the rockets have come from? >> Most of their weapons training has come from around also to piece a lot of systems themselves but most of that stuff has come in from iran as we see that so that's the interesting part that they been able to stockpile a significant amount of weapons keeping them in the tunnels and other areas in one of the things catastrophic for israel and unfortunately the iron dome has protected them in israel has geared up. >> Marcia: why now and why tel aviv? >> They have not seen attacks in months and it depends on where the location is as some of these rockets don't have a big range capability and unguided so they point them in the direction and hope they will hit a target so right now is still showing hamas has the capability to launch against israel as their whole objective is to destroy israel and that is one of the tenants and netanyahu is not pulling back and trying to prosecute this and hard to focus over this time that hamas is the true enemy of this but so much collateral damage and destruction that it's hard to separate israel against hamas and looks like it's against the palestinian people. >> Marcia: israel struck a camp for displaced people in rafah and do you see that as retaliation and how do you expect israel to respond? Directly to these rockets fired in tel aviv? >> I do believe so when there was an attack in israel it was from rafah one of the initial strikes israel did was to take out those particular areas and the most difficult part is any type of system they use that is not on the ground if it's a drone or a fighter dropping bombs but the collateral damage fairly large explosive devices so even though you maybe taking a weapons the collateral damage in it densely populated area causing a lot of this harm and hamas is always using civilians as human shields and that's been their tenant since the beginning and the difficult part. >> Marcia: how will this effect stalled cease-fire talks reported to resume this week? >> Tuesday step up and do this again in cairo and you look with the situation has been that they are polarized where they were all the hostages released and hamas is saying they want israel completely pulled out of gaza and cease the war so when idf is saying we will stop this when hamas is destroyed they may have no ability to attack israel and we have seen they do and that is not going to happen unless hamas disintegrates. Hamas wants israel to pull out so who will pay first what the -- who will cave first and what the mediation will be? It's hard to see but would be great to see all the hostages released and take a fight out of israel and an incredible amount of international pressure to state do not prosecute rafah as you have the hostages back. >> Marcia: retired air force commander, thanks again and nice to see you. >> Marcia: two people confirmed dead after a plane went down in a remote area near squamish, british columbia. And automatic smart phone notified the police and working with the transportation safety board canada and the bc coroners service to investigate what happened.

>>> A new study on children and screen time says when it comes to a child's development, parents reduce their own screen time. In québec, incursion take part -- in québec, people were encouraged to take part in the initiative to put away screens for 24 hours and it's not just for kids but also for their parents. >> Reporter: logoff and turn off and look up. This is the call of the policy challenge from the québec association of optometrist as families take part in the challenge putting away all devices for 24 hours is sometimes easier said than done for adults and children alike. >> I have an xbox and a phone. >> I'm allowed to watch tv at the nighttime really late. >> Reporter: some experts say too much screen time can have a negative impact on a child's development including cognitive and emotional capabilities. Psychology professor says limiting screen time is a balancing act for parents. >> You don't want to be too invasive or intrusive but at the same time, you're supposed to be a source of guidance and support to get into this space where they cannot function on their own to help them through that. >> Reporter: develop mental psychology expert says that's why some parents should spend less time worrying about their kid screen time and instead focus on there's. >> We have to think about what were actually modelling are we doing the things we don't like them to do when we talk to them? We can do things unconsciously so we have to become more mindful of what we are doing. >> Reporter: something that can be challenging at times says this montreal dad. >> We spend time with our phones and everything and we know we live in this era were were dependent on that with some of our work and being on the phone. >> Reporter: says parents should most of all avoid becoming too involved. >> Reporter: if at that moment you are distracted by something then it's a lost opportunity but also might inform something about how important a person is. >> Reporter: his advice screen time should be about quality over quantity. Ctv news. >> Marcia: donald trump booed in washington last night tell you why he was heckled next. (Dramatic music) (Cheering) -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better on its own. -On top of that, it looks gross! -It's a nail fungus infection. -Really gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. -i think I need to see a doctor. -It's a good thing you came to see me. -It's an infection; you need a prescription. Ok. Nail fungus should be taken seriously. At the first signs, show it to your doctor or foot care practitioner and ask about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. What would you like to payfor your hotel room tonight?$249, $225, or $199? Same room, same service.Just different prices. It's really up to you. Well, nobody asksyou this at reception, but that's exactlywhat trivago does. trivago compares hotel pricesfrom hundreds of booking sites. So, save yourselfvaluable time and money. Use trivago,compare hotel prices and save up to $50 a night Hotel? trivago. You shall live with mosquitoesand ticks no more...Contact and of your summer outisde. will spray all theareas where mosquitoes and ticks live, rest and hide. Trees, shrubs, under the deck,behind the shed. Anywhere you need protectionfrom harmful mosquitoes and ticks. We come back on arepeated schedule so you're bug freeall season long. Safe, effective,incredible results. Contact us today Good. Good. Good morning. Hey. Good morning with Dulcolax ...for a gentle and fast relieve Dulcolax Soft Chews works with the water in your body... in as little as 30 minutes. Making your good morning... ...even better with Dulcolax. With HelloFresh, get more out of your budget without compromising on quality or flavour. Delicious meals with fresh ingredients that save on food waste and trips to the grocery store. Order now at

>> Marcia: donald trump booed repeatedly while addressing the libertarian party national convention last night in washington dc. >> Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me and we should win together. [ crowd booing ] >> Marcia: criticized his >> Marcia: people in the crowd shouted insults and criticized his covid policies and running up debt and as the insults continue, trump eventually hit back saying "you don't want to win." trump still asked for their votes by the end of the address and libertarians favour a small government and individual freedoms. >>> Closing argument set tuesday in the hush money trial in new york and the prosecution and defence will wrap up their cases and up to 12 jurors to decide whether prosecutors proved trump illegally falsified records and a conviction is how the jurors interpreted the testimony including trump's former lawyer michael cohen and trump has pleaded not guilty. >> Marcia: joining me now is eric ham, ctv's political analyst. To discuss all things donald trump. Here we are on sunday evening and good to see you. Five weeks of testimony and should be in the hands of the jury by wednesday. What are your thoughts right now? >> We know the jury will be deliberating over 34 different charges which means a lot of deliberation and different charges for them to find donald trump guilty on something. Is not to say they will but the possibility and chances of them doing so only rise because we see so many different counts against the ex-president now of course we don't know how this jury is leaning or what they are thinking for how the deliberations will play out or how long the process but we look at the 34 charges and just the number of witnesses and the fact the defence did not even put on a case and they ended with someone who seemed to be more abhorrent than even michael cohen himself and you don't know which way this case will go but given the fact this is an election year he is the presumptive gop nominee if he is in fact found guilty that could be very detrimental to his chances of winning back the white house. >> Marcia: that's the million-dollar question. What if trump is convicted then what? >> It becomes a scarlet letter that donald trump will have to wear between now and november and let's say he's only found guilty on one of these 34 counts that still makes him a convicted criminal and we know the presidential debates are right around the corner something donald trump will have to go into those debate with and it's not easy to actually shake that stain of being a convicted criminal and if he is and does have to deal with that than there are of course the appeals process which keeps the front of voters minds if this is someone capable of a crime. >> Marcia: libertarians jeered, heckled. One holding a sign that said "no wannabe dictator" at that convention. Why would trump have accepted the invitation to go there and is this block of voters significant to him and his reelection? >> Politics one '01 never -- actually show your opponents your weakness and donald trump showed it front and centre. There was no acknowledgement and investment up until last night and, of course, now donald trump has to deal with the fact he was heckled all night and adding insult to injury, we now know robert community junior who spoke on friday night they actually sought to make him their nominee so where donald trump certainly failed miserably , we know one of donald trump's competitors peeling some of those votes away from him

with rfk who the libertarians want to make a nominee and not a good weekend for donald trump. >> Marcia: we will leave it there and talking to you soon. Our ctv news political analyst. >>> Powerful storms including tornadoes killed at least 15 people and left a wide trail of destruction across texas, oklahoma and arkansas. >> I was at a restaurant and my mother called me and said there was a tornado and then my mom started to scream like I'm dying and everything's moving and the windows are broken. >> Marcia: hundreds of people injured in the storms destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses. Vehicles overturned U.S. president joe biden briefed on the storm. Arkansas governor has declared a state of emergency and texas governor greg abbott signed a disaster declaration. 500,000 customers remained without power across the nine states due to the severe weather >>> White house says boeing will have to do more to show it's able to safely increase production transportation secretary spoke to cbs face the nation about the federal aviation administration deadline for boeing to present a plan to fix quality problems. >> The concerning part to any of those issues are happening at all why boeing is under a huge amount of scrutiny including from the faa and have to do more to demonstrate their readiness and office see the goal is for them to do so but only on a safe and healthy basis. >> Marcia: faa ordered boeing to make the plan in february after a whole blue open blue open in an airborne 737 max. To audit the production line and the key max supplier and found multiple instances where the company allegedly failed to comply with manufacturing quality control requirements. Boeing expected to present its plan to fix the province to regulators this week.

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